Saturday, 29 April 2017

Forex Trading Status

100: 1 Hebelwirkung - Anwendbar auf Standard - und Premium-Kontoinhaber mit Wohnsitz außerhalb der USA. Bitte beachten Sie . Wenn die Marktbedingungen sehr volatil werden, könnten wir die Margin-Anforderungen weiter erhöhen. Bitte überwachen Sie Ihre nutzbare Marge genau und stellen Sie sicher, dass es über Null bleibt. Wir empfehlen eine nutzbare Marge, die mindestens 80 von Ihrem Konto Eigenkapital (nutzbare Marge plus gebrauchte Marge). Die aktuellen Margin-Anforderungen werden im vereinfachten Handelspreis der Trading Station angezeigt. Erfahren Sie mehr über FXCM Margin Requirements. Vea una completa lista de los nuevos requisitos de margen ein continuacin: Nota. En caso que las condiciones de mercado se vuelvan muy voltiles, podramos inkrementelle los requisitos de margen und ms. Aufrechtzuerhalten. Eine vollstndige Auflistung der neuen Margin-Anfragen finden Sie siegelhöhe: Vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste complte des nouvelles marges requises sur chaque instrument: Achtung. Veuillez noter que nous pourrions fortsetzen augmenter nos marges si les bedingungen de märz deviennent trs flüchtige. . Trade Question Submit ein Trade Audit Online FXCM ist froh, eine Anfrage zu überprüfen, wenn Sie das Gefühl haben, dass Sie von einem technischen Problem auf unserer Seite negativ beeinflusst wurden. Wenn Sie möchten, dass wir Ihren Handel (e) überprüfen, haben Sie bitte Handelsdetails wie Ticketnummer, Uhrzeit, Preis und den Betrag, der umstritten ist. Die Widerrufsfrist kann ohne vorherige Ankündigung aufgrund von außerplanmäßigen Schließungen oder Liquiditätsproblemen geändert werden. Hilfreiche CFD-Ressourcen: Bitte beachten Sie, dass CFDs und CFD-Produkte für FXCM LLC-Clients nicht verfügbar sind. Mindest-Margin-Bedarfsaktualisierungsplan Die Margin-Anforderungen werden jeden Monat am letzten Freitag aktualisiert. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Margin-Anforderungen ohne vorherige Ankündigung aufgrund von Preisschwankungen geändert werden können und in Schritten von 1 nach oben oder unten angepasst werden. Die aktuellen Margin-Anforderungen werden im vereinfachten Dealing Rate-Fenster der Trading Platform nach Währungspaar angezeigt. Wie immer, wenn Sie ein technisches Problem erleben und mit unseren Supportmitarbeitern sprechen möchten, können Sie sich jederzeit an uns wenden. Wir sind 24 Stunden 7 Tage die Woche verfügbar. Klicken Sie einfach auf LIVE CHAT in der oberen rechten Ecke oder wenden Sie sich an unsere Kontaktseite. Si desea la revisin de alguna operacin, por bevorzugen envenos los detalles de la operacin geschichten como el nmero de tiquete, la hora y precio de apertura und cierre de la operacin. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, auf Beiträge zu antworten. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Anhänge hochzuladen. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, auf Beiträge zu antworten. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Anhänge hochzuladen. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Ihre Beiträge zu bearbeiten. BB-Code ist an. Smileys sind an. , FXCM. ,,.fxcm. co. ilForex Besteuerung Grundlagen Für Anfänger Forex Trader, ist das Ziel einfach, erfolgreiche Trades zu machen. In einem Markt, in dem Gewinne - und Verluste - im Handumdrehen realisiert werden können, werden viele Investoren engagiert, um ihre Hand zu versuchen, bevor sie langfristig denken. Allerdings, ob Sie planen, forex eine Karriere Weg oder sind daran interessiert zu sehen, wie Ihre Strategie schwenkt, gibt es enorme steuerliche Vorteile, die Sie vor Ihrem ersten Handel beachten sollten. Während der Handel Forex kann ein verwirrendes Feld zu meistern, Ablage Steuern in den USA für Ihre Gewinn-Verhältnis-Verhältnis kann an den Wilden Westen erinnern. Hier ist eine Pause von dem, was du wissen solltest. Für Optionen und Futures Investoren Für alle, die in Forex-Optionen beginnen möchten und Futures sind gruppiert, was als IRC 1256 Verträge bekannt sind. Diese IRS-gesammelten Verträge bedeuten, dass Händler eine niedrigere 6040 Steuerbetrachtung erhalten. Was bedeutet dies 60 Gewinne oder Verluste werden als langfristige Kapitalgewinne Verluste und die restlichen 40 als kurzfristig gezählt. Die beiden wichtigsten Vorteile dieser steuerlichen Behandlung sind: Zeit Viele Forex Futures Optionen Trader machen mehrere Transaktionen pro Tag. Von diesen Trades können bis zu 60 als langfristige Kapitalgewinne gezählt werden. Steuersatz Bei der Handelsbestände (gehalten weniger als ein Jahr) werden die Anleger mit dem 35 kurzfristigen Zinssatz besteuert. Bei der Vermarktung von Futures oder Optionen werden die Anleger mit einem Satz von 23 Sätzen (berechnet als 60 Langzeitzeiten 15 max. Rendite plus 40 kurzfristige Zinszeiten 35 max. Für Over-the-Counter (OTC) Investoren Die meisten Spot-Händler werden nach IRC 988 Kontrakten besteuert. Diese Verträge sind für Devisentermingeschäfte innerhalb von zwei Tagen abgewickelt, so dass sie offen für gewöhnliche Gewinne und Verluste, wie an die IRS gemeldet. Wenn Sie Spot-Forex handeln, werden Sie wahrscheinlich automatisch in dieser Kategorie gruppiert. Der Hauptvorteil dieser steuerlichen Behandlung ist der Schadensschutz. Wenn Sie Nettoverluste durch Ihr Jahr-Ende-Handel erleben, wird kategorisiert als ein 988 Händler dient als ein großer Vorteil. Wie in der 1256 Vertrag, können Sie zählen alle Ihre Verluste als gewöhnliche Verluste statt nur die ersten 3.000. Der Vergleich der beiden IRC 988 Verträge ist einfacher als IRC 1256 Verträge, da der Steuersatz für beide Gewinne und Verluste konstant bleibt - eine ideale Situation für Verluste. 1256 Verträge, während komplexer, bieten mehr Einsparungen für einen Händler mit Nettogewinne - 12 mehr. Der bedeutendste Unterschied zwischen den beiden ist der der erwarteten Gewinne und Verluste. Die Lösung: Die Wahl Ihrer Kategorie sorgfältig Jetzt kommt der heikle Teil: Entscheiden, wie man Steuern für Ihre Situation Datei. Was macht Devisen-Einreichung verwirrend ist, dass während Optionsfutures und OTC separat gruppiert sind, können Sie als Investor entweder einen 1256 oder 988 Vertrag auswählen. Der knifflige Teil ist, dass Sie sich vor dem 1. Januar des Handelsjahres entscheiden müssen. Die beiden Arten von Forex-Einreichungen Konflikt, aber bei den meisten Buchhaltungsgesellschaften werden Sie unterliegen 988 Verträge, wenn Sie ein Spot-Händler und 1256 Verträge sind, wenn Sie ein Futures-Händler sind. Der Schlüsselfaktor spricht mit Ihrem Buchhalter, bevor er investiert. Sobald Sie mit dem Handel beginnen, können Sie nicht von 988 auf 1256 wechseln oder umgekehrt. Die meisten Händler werden Nettogewinne vorwegnehmen (warum sonst Handel), so dass sie sich aus ihrem 988 Status und in 1256 Status wählen wollen. Um einen Status von 988 auszuschließen, musst du eine interne Notiz in deinen Büchern sowie eine Datei mit deinem Buchhalter machen. Diese Komplikation verstärkt sich, wenn Sie Aktien sowie Währungen handeln. Equity-Transaktionen werden unterschiedlich besteuert und Sie können nicht in der Lage sein, 988 oder 1256 Verträge zu wählen, abhängig von Ihrem Status. Keeping Track: Ihr Leistungsrekord Anstatt sich auf Ihre Brokerage-Statements zu verlassen, ist eine genauere und steuerfreundliche Art, den Gewinnverlust zu verfolgen, durch Ihren Leistungsrekord. Dies ist eine IRS-genehmigte Formel für die Aufzeichnungen: Subtrahieren Sie Ihre Anfangs-Assets aus Ihrem End-Assets (netto) Subtrahieren Sie Bareinlagen (auf Ihre Konten) und fügen Sie Abhebungen (aus Ihren Konten) Subtrahieren Sie Einkommen aus Zinsen und fügen Sie Zinsen hinzu Addieren Sie andere Handelskosten Die Performance-Rekord-Formel gibt Ihnen eine genauere Darstellung Ihrer Gewinn-Verhältnis-Verhältnis und wird Jahresende Einreichung erleichtern für Sie und Ihre Buchhalter. Dinge zu erinnern, wenn es um Forex-Besteuerung gibt es ein paar Dinge, die Sie im Auge behalten wollen, einschließlich: Fristen für die Einreichung. In den meisten Fällen müssen Sie bis zum 1. Januar eine Art Steuersituation wählen. Wenn Sie ein neuer Händler sind, können Sie diese Entscheidung vor Ihrem ersten Handel treffen - sei es im 1. Januar oder 31. Dezember. Es ist auch erwähnenswert Dass du deinen Status Mitte des Jahres ändern kannst, aber nur mit IRS-Genehmigung. Detaillierte Aufzeichnungen. Halten Sie gute Aufzeichnungen (und Backups) können Sie sparen Zeit, wenn die Steuer Saison nähert sich. Dies gibt Ihnen mehr Zeit zum Handel und weniger Zeit, um Steuern zu bereiten. Bedeutung der Zahlung. Einige Händler versuchen, das System zu schlagen und verdienen einen vollen oder Teilzeit-Einkommen Handel Forex ohne Steuern zu zahlen. Da Over-the-Counter-Handel nicht bei der Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) registriert ist, glauben einige Trader, dass sie damit davonkommen können. Nicht nur ist dies unethisch, aber die IRS wird schließlich aufholen und Steuervermeidung Gebühren werden Trümmer Steuern, die Sie geschuldeten. Die Bottom Line Trading Forex ist alles über die Aktivierung von Chancen und Steigerung der Gewinnspannen so ein weiser Investor wird das gleiche tun, wenn es um Steuern geht. Nehmen Sie sich die Zeit, um ordnungsgemäß Datei können Sie sparen Hunderte, wenn nicht Tausende in Steuern, so dass es eine Transaktion, die gut lohnt sich die Zeit. Ein von Jack Treynor entwickeltes Verhältnis, das die Erträge übertrifft, die über das hinausgekommen sind, was im risikolosen verdient werden könnte. Der Rückkauf ausstehender Aktien (Rückkauf) durch eine Gesellschaft, um die Anzahl der Aktien auf dem Markt zu reduzieren. Firmen. Eine Steuererstattung ist eine Erstattung für Steuern, die an eine Einzelperson oder einen Haushalt gezahlt werden, wenn die tatsächliche Steuerpflicht weniger als der Betrag ist. Der monetäre Wert aller fertiggestellten Waren und Dienstleistungen, die innerhalb eines Landes erstellt wurden, grenzt in einem bestimmten Zeitraum. Die Rate, mit der das allgemeine Preisniveau für Waren und Dienstleistungen steigt und folglich die Kaufkraft von. Merchandising ist jede Handlung der Förderung von Waren oder Dienstleistungen für den Einzelhandel, einschließlich Marketing-Strategien, Display-Design und. MB Trading, IB Mitglied FINRA. SIPC MB Trading Futures, Inc. IB Mitglied NFA. Der Handel mit Futures, Optionen und Devisen ist spekulativ in der Natur und nicht für alle Anleger geeignet. Anleger sollten nur Risikokapital beim Handel von Futures, Optionen und Forex verwenden, da es immer das Risiko eines erheblichen Verlustes gibt. MB Trading verdiente eine 4.5 von 5 Sterne Bewertung in Barrons 2011 Überprüfung der Online-Broker, Binden für die Top-Spot insgesamt. Das Unternehmen verdiente insgesamt 33,8 Punkte, ein Zehntel eines Punktes unter der Top-Punktzahl. MB Trading erzielte auch in den Top 3 für separate Kategorien von Angeboten, Trade Experience, Trading Technology, Usability und Customer Service und Education. MB Trading verdiente eine 4.5 von 5 Sterne in Barrons 2010 Review von Online Brokers. Das Unternehmen belegte den zweiten Platz und bindet den ersten Platz in den Kategorien Trade Experience und Portfolio Analysis Reporting. Das Unternehmen gewann auch die Kategorie Usability. Das Unternehmen hat auch für den ersten Platz in den separaten Kategorien von Best for Häufige Händler und Best for Options Traders gebunden. Diese Umfrage bewertete 27 Online-Firmen und schließt nicht alle Online-Broker ein. Demo-Konten erhalten kostenlose Streaming-Aktien, Futures und Options-Zitate, die bis zu 20 Minuten verzögert werden (pro Einzelanforderung). Kostenlose Echtzeit-Streaming-Quotes für Aktien, Futures und Optionen ist für Nonprofessionelle Nutzer mit finanzierten, Live-Konten zur Verfügung. MB Trading bietet Google Übersetzung unserer Website für Bildungs-oder Informationszwecke für seine internationalen Kunden. Die Grafiken, Anwendungen und einige Teile der Website werden nicht übersetzt. Die Kunden müssen die alleinige Verantwortung für die Bewertung ihrer regionalen Übersetzung tragen, bevor sie Entscheidungen treffen, die auf solchen Informationen basieren, außerhalb dessen, was die englische Version der Website darstellt. Dies ist die Menufication Extra Content. Du kannst hier alles von den Bildern zu den Shortcodes setzen. Das Formular unten wurde mit einem Shortcode für Kontaktformular 7 erstellt. Es gibt drei Möglichkeiten, private Anleger können direkt oder indirekt in FOREX handeln: Der Spotmarkt (Standardbesteuerung ist in der Regel unter IRC 988 für gewöhnliche Verstärkungsverluste). Forwards und Futures: Standardbesteuerung ist unter IRC 988 für gewöhnliche Gewinne Verstärker Verluste. Es sei denn, es handelt sich um Posten, die normalerweise am 31. Dezember M2M sind. In diesem Fall ist die Besteuerung unter IRC 1256 für 822060408221 Kapitalgewinne Verstärkungsverluste. Optionen: Standardbesteuerung ist unter IRC 988 für gewöhnliche Gewinne Verstärkungsverluste. Es sei denn, es handelt sich um Posten, die normalerweise am 31. Dezember M2M sind. In diesem Fall ist die Besteuerung unter IRC 1256 für 822060408221 Kapitalgewinne Verstärkungsverluste. Die oben genannten Vorgaben können gewählt werden aus: IRC 988 Artikel können unter IRC 1256 für 822060408221 Kapitalgewinne Ampverluste besteuert werden, wenn die richtige Wahl getroffen wird. Für bestimmte Hedgefonds, die unter 988 (c) (1) (E) (iii) definiert sind, ergeben sich daraus besondere 1256 822001008221 Kapitalgewinne amp Verluste. IRC 1256 Artikel können unter IRC 988 besteuert werden, wenn die richtige Wahl getroffen wird. Im Allgemeinen wird für IRC 988 Artikel, die nach IRC 1256 besteuert werden sollen, die Wahl vor dem Ende des Tages, an dem diese Transaktion abgeschlossen ist, gemäß I RC 988 (a) (1) (B) und Treas. Reg. 1.988-3 (b) (4). Dies kann verifiziert werden, wenn die Transaktionen in einem isolierten, separaten Brokerage-Konto durchgeführt werden, wie unter Treas beschrieben. Regs 1.988-3 (b) (5) (ii) (D). Im Allgemeinen wird für IRC 1256 Gegenstände, die nach IRC 988 besteuert werden sollen, die Wahl am oder vor dem 1. Januar (oder, wenn später oder vor dem Zeitpunkt, an dem der Steuerpflichtige eine Position einnimmt) gemäß dem IRC 988 (c) durch den Einzelnen oder durch die Partner von a Partnerschaft. Charakter des Gewinns oder Verlusts (standardmäßig): Währungsgewinne und - verluste von Einzelpersonen, wenn sie in Geschäfts - oder Anlagearten tätig sind, sind gewöhnliche Gewinne und Verluste. Siehe 988 (a) (1) (A) und 988 (e). Währungsgewinne von Einzelpersonen, die sich mit persönlichen Tätigkeiten beschäftigen, sind Kapitalgewinne. (In Übereinstimmung mit 988 (e) (2) (B) sind persönliche Währungsgewinne pro Transaktion, die unter 200 sind, im Allgemeinen befreit). Währungsverluste von Personen, die persönliche Tätigkeiten ausüben, sind nicht abzugsfähige persönliche Ausgaben. Siehe 165 und 262. 1.165-1 (e) Begrenzung auf Verluste von Einzelpersonen. Im Falle eines Einzelnen beschränkt sich der Abzug für Verluste nach § 165 a) vorbehaltlich der Bestimmungen des § 165 Buchst. C und Abs. A dieses Abschnitts auf: Verluste, die in einem Gewerbe oder einer Geschäftstätigkeit entstanden sind Verluste, die bei einer erfolgswirksamen Transaktion entstanden sind, eine Investition . Wenn auch nicht mit einem gewerblichen oder geschäftlichen und mit Vermögensgegenständen verbundenen Vermögensgegenständen verbunden, die nicht mit einer gewerblichen oder geschäftlichen Tätigkeit verbunden sind und nicht in einer für den Gewinn getätigten Transaktion entstanden sind, wenn solche Verluste durch Feuer, Sturm, Schiffbruch oder sonstige Unfälle oder durch Diebstahl entstehen Wenn der Verlust nicht für die Erbschaftssteuer in der Erbschaftssteuer zurückgegeben wurde. Für zusätzliche Bestimmungen über die Entschädigung von Schaden - und Verlustvorträgen siehe 1.165-7 bzw. 1.165-8. Berichterstattung (von einzelnen Steuerpflichtigen, die IRS Form 1040 einreichen): Gewöhnliche Gewinne und Verluste werden als Zinserträge oder Zinsaufwendungen behandelt. Einige Steuerpflichtige verwenden Form 4797, Teil II. Einige Steuerpflichtige verwenden Form 1040, Zeile 21 anstelle von Form 4797. Jeder andere geeignete Ort, an dem Zinserträge oder Zinsaufwendungen gemeldet werden sollten. Nettoverluste aus einer einzigen Position, die 50.000 überschreiten, müssen in der Regel auch auf IRS Form 8886 gemeldet werden. Kapitalgewinne und - verluste werden im Zeitplan D (und ggf. im IRS-Formblatt 6781) ausgewiesen. Wenn die IRC 988 Wahl getroffen wurde, dann ist der Steuerpflichtige verpflichtet, eine Bestätigungserklärung anzufügen. Pool-Fonds: PAMM (Percentage Allocation Management Module oder manchmal Percentage Allocation Money Management) LAMM (Lot Allocation Management Module) MAM (Multi-Account Management) Währung und Devisentermingeschäfte Fremdwährungsgeschäfte stellen Probleme im Zusammenhang mit dem Zeitpunkt der Anerkennung, dem Charakter ( Kapital oder gewöhnlich), und die Quelle (inländischen oder ausländischen) des Gewinns oder Verlustes. 1986 erließ der Kongress ein umfassendes Steuergesetz über die Behandlung von Fremdwährungsgeschäften. 333 Vor diesen Gesetzen haben verschiedene Urteile und Gerichtsentscheidungen eine Orientierung über die Behandlung solcher Geschäfte gegeben. 334 Fußnote 333 985-989. Für eine detaillierte Erörterung von Fremdwährungstransaktionen siehe 184 T. M. Transaktionen auf Aktien, Wertpapiere und sonstige Finanzinstrumente. Fußnote 334 Rev. Rul. 74-7, 1974-1 C. B. 198 (Fremdwährung ist der Kapitalgewinn oder - verlust, der bei der Umstellung der Währung realisiert wird, ist das Kapital) Gillin v. U. S. 423 F.2d 309 (Ct. Cl. 1970) American Home Prods. Corp. v. U. S. 601 F.2d 540 (Ct. Cl. 1979) (Fremdwährung ist Kapitalanlage) Natl.-Standard Co. v. Comr. 80 T. C. 551 (1983), aff8217d, 749 F.2d 369 (1984) (Veränderung des Wertes von US-Dollar in Bezug auf Fremdwährungen ergibt gewöhnlichen Gewinn oder Verlust). Die US-Währung könnte jedoch ein Kapitalvermögen darstellen, wenn es sich nicht um gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel handelt, das nicht im Umlauf ist oder auf dem Markt in erster Linie durch seine numismatische und nicht als Nennwert bewertet wird. Siehe California Fed. Leben ins. Co. v. Comr. 76 T. C. 107 (1981), aff8217d, 680 F.2d 85 (9. Jh. 1982) (U. S. Doppel-Eagle-Goldmünzen sind Kapitalvermögen). Der Kursgewinn oder - verlust in einer auf Fremdwährung lautenden Transaktion ergibt sich aus einer Änderung des Wechselkurses zwischen dem Buchungsdatum (dem Zeitpunkt, an dem ein Vermögenswert oder eine Verbindlichkeit für US-Steuerzwecke berücksichtigt wird) und dem Zeitpunkt, zu dem die Zahlung erfolgt ist, oder empfangen. 345 Mit gewissen Ausnahmen wird der Kursgewinn oder - verlust als ordentliches Einkommen oder Verlust behandelt. 346 Fußnote 345 988 (b). Fußnote 346 988 (a) (1) (A). Terminkontrakte für den Verkauf von Fremdwährungen stellen Eigentumsinteressen dar. 347 So führt eine Abtretung eines Devisenterminkontrakts zu Kapitalgewinnen oder - verlusten nach allgemeinen Grundsätzen. Nach den im Jahr 1986 erlassenen umfassenden Steuergesetzgebung steht noch Kapitalertrags - oder Schadensbehandlungen für Terminkontrakte, zukünftige Verträge oder Optionen in Fremdwährungen zur Verfügung, wenn die Verträge oder Optionen ansonsten Kapitalvermögen sind, nicht Teil einer Straddle-Transaktion sind und identifiziert werden Vor dem Ende des Tages, an dem die Transaktionen abgeschlossen sind. 348 Fußnote 347 Carborundum Co. v. Comr. 74 T. C. 730 (1980) PLR 7847004. Fußnote 348 988 (a) (1) (B). Interner Umsatzcode § 988. Behandlung bestimmter Fremdwährungsgeschäfte 988 (a) Allgemeine Regel Unbeschadet sonstiger Bestimmungen dieses Kapitels8211 988 (a) (1) Behandlung als ordentliches Einkommen oder Verlust 988 (a) (1) (A) Allgemeines Soweit nicht anders angegeben, In diesem Abschnitt wird jeder Fremdwährungsgewinn oder - verlust, der einer Transaktion des § 988 zuzurechnen ist, gesondert berechnet und als ordentliches Einkommen oder Verlust (je nach Fall) behandelt. 988 (a) (1) (B) Sonderregel für Terminkontrakte, etc. Sofern in den Verordnungen nichts anderes bestimmt ist, kann ein Steuerpflichtiger wahlen, um Fremdwährungsgewinne oder - verluste zu behandeln, die einem Terminkontrakt, einem Futures-Kontrakt oder einer Option zu entnehmen sind Unterabsatz (c) (1) (B) (iii) der ein Kapital in den Händen des Steuerpflichtigen ist und der nicht Teil einer Straddle ist (im Sinne von § 1092 c), ohne Rücksicht auf Absatz (4 )) Als Kapitalgewinn oder - verlust (falls zutreffend), wenn der Steuerpflichtige diese Wahl trifft und diese Transaktion vor dem Ende des Tages, an dem diese Transaktion abgeschlossen ist, identifiziert (oder so früh wie der Sekretär vorschreiben kann). 988 (a) (2) Gewinne oder Verlust als Zinsen für bestimmte Zwecke behandelt Soweit in den Verordnungen vorgesehen ist, wird jeder Betrag, der nach dem Absatz 1 als ordentliches Einkommen oder Verlust behandelt wird, als Zinserträge oder - aufwendungen behandelt (je nach Fall ). 988 (a) (3) Quelle 988 (a) (3) (A) Im Allgemeinen Soweit in den Verordnungen nichts anderes bestimmt ist, gilt für jeden Betrag, der nach dem Absatz (1) als ordentliches Einkommen oder Verlust behandelt wird (ohne Rücksicht auf Absatz ( 1) (B)) wird die Quelle dieses Betrags unter Bezugnahme auf den Wohnsitz des Steuerpflichtigen oder der qualifizierten Geschäftseinheit des Steuerpflichtigen bestimmt, auf dessen Büchern der Vermögenswert, die Haftung oder der Einkommen oder der Aufwand ordnungsgemäß reflektiert wird. 988 (a) (3) (B) Wohnsitz Für die Zwecke dieses Teils8211 988 (a) (3) (B) (i) Allgemeines Der Wohnsitz einer Person beträgt 8211 988 (a) (3) (B) (i (I) (a) (3) (B) (i) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (II) ) Im Falle einer Körperschaft, einer Partnerschaft, eines Vertrauens oder eines Vermögens, der eine Person der Vereinigten Staaten ist (wie in § 7701 a) (30) definiert, die Vereinigten Staaten und 988 (a) (3) (B) ( I) (III) im Falle einer Körperschaft, einer Partnerschaft, eines Vertrauens oder eines Nachlasses, der keine US-amerikanische Person ist, ein anderes Land als die Vereinigten Staaten. Wenn ein Einzelner kein Steuerhaus hat (wie so definiert), so ist der Wohnsitz dieser Person die Vereinigten Staaten, wenn diese Person ein Staatsangehöriger der Vereinigten Staaten oder ein ansässiger Ausländer ist und ein anderes Land als die Vereinigten Staaten ist, wenn diese Person Ist kein Staatsbürger oder ein ansässiger Ausländer. 988 (a) (3) (B) (ii) Ausnahme Im Falle einer qualifizierten Geschäftseinheit eines Steuerpflichtigen (einschließlich eines Einzelnen) ist der Wohnsitz dieser Einheit das Land, in dem die Hauptniederlassung dieser qualifizierten Geschäftseinheit befindet sich. 988 (a) (3) (B) (iii) Sonderregel für Partnerschaften Soweit in den Verordnungen vorgesehen ist, erfolgt im Falle einer Partnerschaft die Ermittlung des Wohnsitzes auf Partnerebene. 988 (a) (3) (C) Sonderregel für bestimmte Darlehen der nahestehenden Personen Außer in dem Umfang, der in den Verordnungen vorgesehen ist, im Falle eines Darlehens durch eine Person der Vereinigten Staaten oder eine verwandte Person an eine 10-prozentige ausländische Gesellschaft, die ist Die in einer anderen Währung als dem Dollar ansässig ist und zu dem Zeitpunkt, zu dem dieses Darlehen eingegangen ist, Zinsen in Höhe von mindestens 10 Prozentpunkten höher als die Bundesgesell - schaft (gemäß § 1274 (d)), gelten, gelten folgende Regeln : 988 (a) (3) (C) (i) Nur für Zwecke des Abschnitts 904 ist dieses Darlehen auf Jahresbasis zu vermarkten. 988 (a) (3) (C) (ii) Alle Zinserträge, die für dieses Darlehen für das steuerpflichtige Jahr erwirtschaftet werden, werden als Erträge aus Quellen in den Vereinigten Staaten in dem Umfang des Verlustes, der der Klausel (i) zuzurechnen ist, behandelt. Für die Zwecke dieses Unterabsatzes hat der Begriff 8220 verwandte Person8221 die Bedeutung, die dieser Begriff nach § 954 (d) (3) gegeben hat, mit der Ausnahme, dass dieser Abschnitt durch den Ersatz von 8220United States person8221 für 8220 kontrollierte ausländische Körperschaften8221 an jedem Ort angewendet wird. 988 (a) (3) (D) 10-prozentige ausländische Gesellschaft Der Begriff 822010-prozentige ausländische Gesellschaft8221 bezeichnet jede ausländische Körperschaft, in der die US-Person direkt oder indirekt mindestens 10 Prozent des stimmberechtigten Aktienbestandes besitzt. 988 (b) Fremdwährungsgewinn oder - verlust Für die Zwecke dieses Abschnitts8211 988 (b) (1) Fremdwährungsgewinn Der Begriff 8220Verwaltungswährungsgewinn8221 bedeutet jegliche Gewinn aus einer Transaktion im Abschnitt 988, soweit dieser Gewinn den aus diesem Grund realisierten Gewinn nicht übersteigt Wechselkursänderungen am oder nach dem Buchungsdatum und vor dem Zahlungsdatum. 988 (b) (2) Fremdwährungsverlust Der Begriff 8220Versandwährungsverlust8221 bedeutet jegliche Verluste aus einer Transaktion in § 988, soweit der Verlust den Verlust aufgrund von Wechselkursänderungen am oder nach dem Buchungsdatum und vor dem Zeitpunkt nicht überschreitet Zahlungsdatum. 988 (b) (3) Sonderregel für bestimmte Verträge usw. Im Falle eines § 988 Transaktionsvorgangs, der in Unterabschnitt (c) (1) (B) (iii) beschrieben ist, wird jeder Gewinn oder Verlust aus einer solchen Transaktion behandelt Fremdwährungsgewinn oder - verlust (je nach Fall). 988 c) Sonstige Begriffsbestimmungen Für die Zwecke dieses Abschnitts8211 988 (c) (1) Abschnitt 988 Transaktion 988 (c) (1) (A) Allgemeines Der Begriff 8220section 988 Transaktion8221 bedeutet jede Transaktion, die in Unterabsatz (B) beschrieben ist, wenn der Betrag Die der Steuerpflichtige berechtigt ist, aufgrund einer solchen Transaktion berechtigt zu werden (oder zu zahlen ist), ist auf eine nicht funktionale Währung lauten oder 988 (c) (1) ( A) (ii) wird unter Bezugnahme auf den Wert von 1 oder mehr nicht funktionsfähigen Währungen bestimmt. 988 (c) (1) (B) Beschreibung der Transaktionen Für die Zwecke des Unterabsatzes (A) sind die folgenden Transaktionen in diesem Unterabsatz beschrieben: 988 (c) (1) (B) (i) Der Erwerb eines Schuldinstruments oder Werden Sie der Schuldner unter einem Schuldinstrument. 988 (c) (1) (B) (ii) Abgrenzung (oder anderweitig unter Berücksichtigung) für die Zwecke dieses Untertitels jegliche Aufwands - oder Bruttoeinnahmen oder Einnahmen, die nach dem Tag, an dem sie abgelaufen sind, zu zahlen oder zu entrichten sind Berücksichtigt werden. 988 (c) (1) (B) (iii) Erfassung oder Erwerb eines Terminkontrakts, eines Futures-Kontrakts, einer Option oder eines ähnlichen Finanzinstruments. Der Sekretär kann Vorschriften vorschreiben, ausgenommen die Klausel (ii) jede Klasse von Gegenständen, die unter Berücksichtigung derjenigen, die für die Zwecke dieses Abschnitts nicht erforderlich sind, aufgrund der geringen Beträge oder kurzer Zeiträume oder anderweitig erforderlich ist. 988 c) (1) (C) Sonderregelungen für die Nichtigkeit der Währung 988 (c) (1) (C) (i) Allgemeines Im Falle einer Nichtbeantwortung einer nicht funktionalen Währung8211 988 (c) (1) ( C) (i) (I) Diese Vereinbarung wird als § 988 Transaktion behandelt, und 988 (c) (1) (C) (i) (II) wird ein Gewinn oder Verlust aus einer solchen Transaktion als Fremdwährungsgewinn behandelt Oder Verlust (je nach Fall). 988 (c) (1) (C) (ii) Nicht funktionsfähige Währung Für die Zwecke dieses Abschnitts enthält der Begriff 8220nonfunktionswährung8221 Münzen oder Währung und nicht funktionsbedingte Forderungen oder Termineinlagen oder ähnliche Instrumente, die von einer Bank oder einem anderen Finanzinstitut emittiert werden. 988 (c) (1) (D) Ausnahme für bestimmte auf den Markt gemeldete Instrumente 988 (c) (1) (D) (i) Im Allgemeinen gilt Ziffer iii Buchstabe B nicht für einen geregelten Futures-Kontrakt oder Nonquity-Option, die nach § 1256 markiert werden würde, wenn sie am letzten Tag des steuerpflichtigen Jahres gehalten wird. 988 (c) (1) (D) (ii) Wahlauswahl 988 (c) (1) (D) (ii) (I) Im Allgemeinen kann der Steuerpflichtige eine Klausel (i) nicht für diesen Steuerpflichtigen anwenden. Eine solche Wahl gilt für Verträge, die zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt während des steuerpflichtigen Jahres, für das diese Wahl getätigt wird, oder eines darauffolgenden steuerpflichtigen Jahres stattfinden, es sei denn, diese Wahl wird mit Zustimmung des Sekretärs widerrufen. 988 (c) (1) (D) (ii) (II) Zeit für die Wahl der Wahl Soweit in den Verordnungen vorgesehen ist, wird am oder vor dem 1. Tag des Steuerjahres eine Wahl nach Ziff (Oder, wenn später, am oder vor dem 1. Tag während eines solchen Jahres, an dem der Steuerpflichtige einen unter Ziffer i) beschriebenen Vertrag hält. 988 (c) (1) (D) (ii) (III) Sonderregel für Partnerschaften usw. Im Falle einer Partnerschaft wird von jedem Partner eine Wahl nach Ziffer (I) getrennt geleistet. Eine ähnliche Regelung gilt im Falle einer S-Gesellschaft. 988 (c) (1) (D) (iii) Behandlung bestimmter Partnerschaften Dieser Unterabsatz gilt nicht für Einkünfte oder Verlust einer Partnerschaft für ein steuerpflichtiges Jahr, wenn diese Partnerschaft eine Wahl nach Buchstabe E Ziffer iii (V. ) Für ein solches Jahr oder ein vorauses Jahr. 988 (c) (1) (E) Sonderregelungen für bestimmte Fonds 988 (c) (1) (E) (i) Allgemein Im Falle eines qualifizierten Fonds gilt die Ziffer iii Buchstabe B nicht Auf ein Instrument, das nach § 1256 auf dem Markt vermarktet werden würde, wenn es am letzten Tag des Steuerjahres (nach der Klausel (iv) bestimmt ist. 988 (c) (1) (E) (ii) Sonderregel, wenn die Wahlpartnerschaft nicht qualifiziert ist Wenn eine Partnerschaft eine Wahl nach Klausel (iii) (V) für jedes steuerpflichtige Jahr getroffen hat und diese Partnerschaft einen Nettoverlust für dieses Jahr hat oder Jedes Jahr nach den in Ziffer i genannten Instrumenten gelten die Regeln der Klauseln (i) und (iv) für ein solches Verlängerungsjahr, ob diese Partnerschaft ein qualifizierter Fonds für dieses Jahr ist oder nicht. 988 (c) (1) (E) (iii) Qualifizierter Fonds Definiert Für diesen Unterabsatz bedeutet der Begriff 8220qualifizierter Fonds8221 jede Partnerschaft if8211 988 (c) (1) (E) (iii) (I) zu jeder Zeit während Das steuerpflichtige Jahr (und während jedes vorangehenden Steuerjahres, auf das eine Wahl nach Unterabsatz (V) angewandt wird), hat diese Partnerschaft mindestens 20 Partner und kein einzelner Partner besitzt mehr als 20 Prozent der Kapitalanteile oder Gewinne der Partnerschaft, 988 (c) (1) (E) (iii) (II) besteht die Haupttätigkeit dieser Partnerschaft für ein solches steuerpflichtiges Jahr (und jedes dieser vorsteuerpflichtigen Jahr) darin, Optionen, Futures oder Forward in Bezug auf Rohstoffe zu kaufen und zu verkaufen, 988 (c) (1) (E) (iii) (III) mindestens 90 Prozent des Bruttoeinkommens der Partnerschaft für das Steuerjahr (und für jedes der vorangehenden Steuerpflichtigen) bestanden aus Einkommen oder Gewinnen, die in Unterabsatz (A ), (B) oder (G) des Abschnitts 7704 (d) (1) oder Gewinn aus dem Verkauf oder der Veräußerung von zur Veräußerung von Zinsen oder Dividenden gehaltenen Vermögenswerten, 988 (c) (1) (E) (iii ) (IV) nicht mehr als ein De-minimis-Betrag des Bruttoeinkommens der Partnerschaft für das steuerpflichtige Jahr (und jedes der vorangehenden steuerpflichtigen Jahr) wurde aus dem Kauf und Verkauf von Rohstoffen abgeleitet, und 988 (c) (1) (E) ( Iii) (V) Eine Wahl nach diesem Unterabsatz gilt für das steuerpflichtige Jahr. Eine Wahl nach Unterabsatz (V) für jedes steuerpflichtige Jahr erfolgt am oder vor dem 1. Tag eines solchen steuerpflichtigen Jahres (oder, wenn später, am oder vor dem 1. Tag während des Jahres, in dem die Partnerschaft ein in der Klausel genanntes Instrument besitzt (ich)). Eine solche Wahl gilt für das steuerpflichtige Jahr, für das und alle nachfolgenden steuerpflichtigen Jahre, sofern nicht mit Zustimmung des Sekretärs widerrufen wird. 988 (c) (1) (E) (iv) Behandlung bestimmter Währungsverträge 988 (c) (1) (E) (iv) (I) Allgemeines Soweit in den Verordnungen, im Falle eines qualifizierten Fonds, Jeglicher Bankübertragungsvertrag, ein Fremdwährungs-Futures-Kontrakt, der an einer Devisen gehandelt wird, oder in dem Umfang, in dem ein ähnliches Instrument vorgesehen ist, das ansonsten kein Abschnitt 1256 ist, wird als Abschnitt 1256 Vertrag im Sinne des § 1256 Abs (C) (1) (E) (iv) (II) Gewinne und Verluste, die als kurzfristig behandelt werden Im Falle eines Instruments, das als Abschnitt 1256 des Vertrages gemäß Ziffer I), Unterabsatz (A) des Abschnitts 1256 (a ) (3) wird durch den Ersatz von 8220100 Prozent8221 für 822040 Prozent8221 (und Unterabsatz (B) dieser Sektion gelten nicht angewandt). 988 (c) (1) (E) (v) Sonderregelungen für Klausel (iii) (i) 988 (c) (1) (E) (v) (I) Bestimmte persönliche Gesellschafter Das Interesse einer persönlich haftenden Gesellschafterin in der Partnerschaft nicht so behandelt werden, dass sie die 20-prozentigen Eigentumsanforderungen der Klausel (iii) (I) für jedes steuerpflichtige Jahr der Partnerschaft nicht erfüllt, wenn für das steuerpflichtige Jahr des Partners, in dem dieses Partnerschaftssteuerjahr endet, Und jede Körperschaft, die eine konsolidierte Rendite mit einem solchen Partner einreicht) hatte keine ordentlichen Erträge oder Verluste aus einer Transaktion, die Fremdwährungsgewinn oder - verlust ist (je nach Fall). 988 (c) (1) (E) (v) (II) Behandlung der Anreizvergütung Für die Zwecke der Ziffer iii) (I) sind alle Einkünfte, die einer Kollektivgesellschaft als Anreizvergütung auf der Grundlage von Gewinnen und nicht als Kapital zuzurechnen sind, nicht Bei der Festlegung eines solchen Partners8217s Interesse an den Gewinnen der Partnerschaft berücksichtigt. 988 (c) (1) (E) (v) (III) Behandlung von steuerfreien Partnern Soweit in den Verordnungen nichts anderes bestimmt ist, wird das Interesse eines Partners in der Partnerschaft nicht so behandelt, dass sie die 20-prozentigen Eigentumsanforderungen nicht erfüllt Der Klausel (iii) (I), wenn kein Einkommen eines solchen Partners aus dieser Partnerschaft unter diesem Kapitel steuerpflichtig ist (ob direkt oder über 1 oder mehr Passagiere). 988 (c) (1) (E) (v) (IV) Durchsichtige Regel Bei der Feststellung, ob die Voraussetzungen der Klausel (iii) (I) in Bezug auf eine Partnerschaft erfüllt sind, mit Ausnahme des in den Verordnungen vorgesehenen Umfangs Das Interesse an einer solchen Partnerschaft, die von einer anderen Partnerschaft gehalten wird, wird von den Partnern in einer solchen Partnerschaft als proportional behandelt. 988 (c) (1) (E) (vi) Sonstige Sonderregelungen Für die Zwecke dieses Unterabsatzes8211 988 (c) (1) (E) (vi) (I) Verwandte Personen Beteiligungen an der Partnerschaft von Personen, die einander betreffen (Im Sinne der Abschnitte 267 Buchstabe b und 707 Buchstabe b) werden von 1 Person behandelt. 988 (c) (1) (E) (vi) (II) Vorgänger Die Bezugnahmen auf eine Partnerschaft enthalten einen Verweis auf einen Vorgänger davon. 988 (c) (1) (E) (vi) (III) Unbeabsichtigte Kündigungen Regeln, die den Regeln des § 7704 (e) entsprechen, gelten. 988 (c) (1) (E) (vi) (IV) Behandlung bestimmter Schuldinstrumente Für die Zwecke der Klausel (iii) (IV) ist jedes Schuldinstrument, das ein Abschnitt 988 ist, als Ware zu behandeln. 988 (c) (2) Buchungsdatum Der Begriff 8220Buchdatum8221 bedeutet8211 988 (c) (2) (A) im Falle einer in Absatz 1 Buchstabe B Ziffer i genannten Transaktion, der Zeitpunkt des Erwerbs oder auf welcher Wird der Steuerpflichtige zum Schuldner oder 988 (c) (2) (B) im Falle einer in Absatz 1 Buchstabe B Ziffer ii genannten Transaktion, dem Zeitpunkt, an dem aufgelaufen oder anderweitig berücksichtigt wurde. 988 (c) (3) Zahlungsdatum Der Begriff 8220Zahlungsdatum8221 bedeutet das Datum, an dem die Zahlung geleistet oder empfangen wird. 988 (c) (4) Schuldinstrument Der Begriff 8220debt instrument8221 bedeutet eine Anleihe, Schuldverschreibung, Schuldverschreibung oder Bescheinigung oder sonstige Verschuldungserklärungen. Soweit in den Verordnungen vorgesehen, enthält diese Bezeichnung Vorzugsaktien. 988 (c) (5) Sonderregelungen, in denen der Steuerpflichtige tätig ist oder die Lieferung erfolgt Wenn der Steuerpflichtige im Zusammenhang mit einer in Absatz 1 Buchstabe B Ziffer iii beschriebenen Abwicklung des Teilnehmers 988 tätig ist, wird ein Gewinn oder Verlust (bestimmt wie Der Steuerpflichtige verkaufte den Vertrag, die Option oder das Instrument zu dem Zeitpunkt, an dem er zu diesem Zeitpunkt den Marktwert bezahlt oder abgegeben hat, in gleicher Weise anerkannt werden, als wenn ein solcher Vertrag, eine Option oder ein Instrument verkauft würde. 988 (d) Behandlung von 988 Absicherungsgeschäften 988 (d) (1) Im Allgemeinen In den in den Verordnungen vorgesehenen Fällen, wenn eine Transaktion von § 988 Teil eines 988 Absicherungsgeschäfts ist, sind alle Transaktionen, die Teil eines solchen 988 Absicherungsgeschäfts sind, Integriert und behandelt als einzelne Transaktion oder anderweitig behandelt für die Zwecke dieses Untertitels. Für die Zwecke des vorstehenden Satzes ist die Feststellung, ob eine Transaktion eine Transaktion von § 988 ist, ohne Rücksicht darauf zu bestimmen, ob diese Transaktion ansonsten mit einer Markierung von Unter - schiedsgerichten 475 oder 1256 markiert wäre, und diese Laufzeit enthält keine Transaktion in Bezug auf Welche Wahl nach Unterabschnitt (a) (1) (B) erfolgt. Die Abschnitte 492, 1092 und 1256 1 gelten nicht für eine von diesem Unterabschnitt erfasste Transaktion. 988 (d) (2) 988 Hedging-Transaktion Für die Zwecke des Absatzes (1) bedeutet der Begriff 8220988 Hedging-Transaktion8221 jede Transaktion8211 988 (d) (2) (A), die vom Steuerpflichtigen in erster Linie8211 988 (d) (2) ( A) (i) das Risiko von Währungsschwankungen in Bezug auf Vermögenswerte, die vom Steuerpflichtigen gehalten oder gehalten werden, oder 988 (d) (2) (A) (ii) zu verwalten, um das Risiko von Währungsschwankungen in Bezug auf die Kreditaufnahme zu verwalten Gemacht oder gemacht werden, oder Verpflichtungen, die dem Steuerpflichtigen entstanden sind oder angefallen sind, und 988 (d) (2) (B), die vom Sekretär oder dem Steuerpflichtigen als 988 Absicherungsgeschäft identifiziert wurden. 988 (e) Antrag auf Einzelpersonen.8211 988 (e) (1) Allgemeines.8211 Die vorstehenden Bestimmungen dieses Abschnitts gelten nicht für Geschäfte, die von einer Person, die eine persönliche Transaktion ist, eingegangen sind. 988 (e) (2) Ausschluss für bestimmte persönliche Transaktionen.8211 If8211 988 (e) (2) (A) nicht funktionale Währung wird von einer Person in einer Transaktion und 988 (e) (2) (B) dieser Transaktion entsorgt Ist eine persönliche Transaktion, kein Gewinn wird für Zwecke dieses Untertitels aufgrund von Änderungen der Wechselkurse anerkannt, nachdem diese Währung von dieser Person und vor dieser Disposition erworben wurde. Der vorstehende Satz gilt nicht, wenn der Gewinn, der ansonsten in der Transaktion anerkannt wäre, 200 übersteigt. 988 (e) (3) Persönliche Transaktionen.8211 Für die Zwecke dieses Unterabschnitts bedeutet der Begriff persönliche Transaktion8217 jede Transaktion, die von einer Person, Mit der Ausnahme, dass diese Laufzeit keine Transaktion enthält, soweit die für diese Transaktion ordnungsgemäß zurechenbaren Aufwendungen den Anforderungen des § 16211 988 (e) (3) (A) Abschnitt 162 entsprechen (mit Ausnahme der Reisekosten gemäß Absatz (a) (2) ) Oder 988 (e) (3) (B) Abschnitt 212 (mit Ausnahme des Teils des Abschnitts 212, der sich mit den im Zusammenhang mit Steuern entstandenen Aufwendungen befasst). (Veröffentlicht von L. 99-514, Titel XII, Sektion 1261 (a), 22. Oktober 1986, 100 Satz 2587, und geändert Beam L. 100-647, Titel I, § 1012 (v) (2) (A), (3), (4), (6) - (8), Titel VI, § 6130 (a), (b), 10. November 1988, 102, Stat. 3529, 3530, 3717 Amtsblatt L. 101-239, Titel VII, § 7811 (i) (7), 19. Dezember 1989, 103 Stat. 2410 Verpflegung L. 105-34, Titel XI, § 1104 (a), 5. August 1997, 111 Stat 788 Verpflegung L. 106-170, Titel V, § 532 (b), 17. Dezember 1999, 113 Stat 1860.) Interner Einkommen Code § 1256 Vertrag A Abschnitt 1256 Vertrag ist jedwede : 1. Regulierter Futures-Kontrakt, 2. Fremdwährungsvertrag, 3. Option ohne Option, 4. Dealer-Equity-Option oder 5. Dealer Securities Futures-Kontrakt. Regulierter Futures-Kontrakt Dies ist ein Vertrag, der: 1. Stellt sicher, dass Beträge, die hinter dem Margin-Konto hinterlegt oder zurückgezogen werden müssen, von den täglichen Marktbedingungen abhängen (ein System der Markierung auf den Markt) und 2. ist gehandelt oder unterliegt Die Regeln eines qualifizierten Börsengangs. Eine qualifizierte Börse ist eine inländische Handelskammer, die von der Commodity Futures Trading Commission, einem vom Sekretär des Treasury genehmigten Handels - oder Börsenausschusses oder einer mit der Securities and Exchange Commission registrierten nationalen Wertpapierbörse als Vertragsmarkt bezeichnet wird. Fremdwährungsvertrag. Dies ist ein Vertrag, der: 1. die Anlieferung einer Fremdwährung erfordert, die Positionen hat, die durch geregelte Futures-Kontrakte gehandelt werden (oder deren Abwicklung vom Wert dieser Art von Fremdwährung abhängig ist), 2. wird auf dem Interbankenmarkt gehandelt und 3 Wird zu einem Kurs eingegeben, der unter Bezugnahme auf den Preis im Interbankenmarkt bestimmt wird. Bank-Terminkontrakte mit Fälligkeitsterminen, die länger sind als die Fälligkeiten, die üblicherweise für regulierte Futures-Kontrakte zur Verfügung stehen, gelten als Definition eines Fremdwährungsvertrages, wenn die obigen drei Bedingungen erfüllt sind. Für bestimmte Fremdwährungstransaktionen gelten besondere Regeln. Diese Transaktionen können zu einer gewöhnlichen Gewinn - oder Verlustbehandlung führen. Für Details siehe Internal Revenue Code Abschnitt 988 und Verordnungen Abschnitt 1.988-1 (a) (7) und 1.988-3. Interner Umsatzcode § 988. Behandlung bestimmter Fremdwährungsgeschäfte 988 (a) Allgemeine Regel Unbeschadet sonstiger Bestimmungen dieses Kapitels8211 988 (a) (1) Behandlung als ordentliches Einkommen oder Verlust 988 (a) (1) (A) Allgemeines Soweit nicht anders angegeben, In diesem Abschnitt wird jeder Fremdwährungsgewinn oder - verlust, der einer Transaktion des § 988 zuzurechnen ist, gesondert berechnet und als ordentliches Einkommen oder Verlust (je nach Fall) behandelt. 988 (a) (1) (B) Sonderregel für Terminkontrakte, etc. Sofern in den Verordnungen nichts anderes bestimmt ist, kann ein Steuerpflichtiger wahlen, um Fremdwährungsgewinne oder - verluste zu behandeln, die einem Terminkontrakt, einem Futures-Kontrakt oder einer Option zu entnehmen sind Unterabsatz (c) (1) (B) (iii) der ein Kapital in den Händen des Steuerpflichtigen ist und der nicht Teil einer Straddle ist (im Sinne von § 1092 c), ohne Rücksicht auf Absatz (4 )) Als Kapitalgewinn oder - verlust (falls zutreffend), wenn der Steuerpflichtige diese Wahl trifft und diese Transaktion vor dem Ende des Tages, an dem diese Transaktion abgeschlossen ist, identifiziert (oder so früh wie der Sekretär vorschreiben kann). Treas Verordnungen 1.988-1 (a) (7) 1.988-1 (a) (7) Besondere Regeln für geregelte Futures-Kontrakte und Nicht-Equity-Optionen8211 1.988-1 (a) (7) (i) Im Allgemeinen. Soweit in Absatz (a) (7) (ii) dieses Abschnitts nichts anderes bestimmt ist, gilt Absatz (a) (2) (iii) dieses Abschnitts nicht für einen geregelten Futures-Kontrakt oder eine Nicht-Equity-Option, der auf den Markt gebracht werden würde Unter § 1256, wenn sie am letzten Tag des steuerpflichtigen Jahres abgehalten werden. 1.988-1 (a) (7) (ii) Die Wahl nach Absatz (a) (2) (iii) dieses Abschnitts gilt. Unbeschadet des Absatzes (a) (7) (i) dieses Abschnitts kann ein Steuerpflichtiger beschließen, dass Absatz (a) (2) (iii) dieses Abschnitts für geregelte Futures-Kontrakte und Nicht-Equity-Optionen gemäß Absatz (a (7) (iii) und (iv) dieses Abschnitts. 1.988-1 (a) (7) (iii) Verfahren für die Wahl der Wahl. Ein Steuerpflichtiger hat die in Absatz (a) (7) (ii) dieses Abschnitts vorgesehene Wahl durch Zusendung an das Internal Revenue Service Center vorzunehmen. Examination Branch, Stop Number 92, Kansas City, MO 64999 eine Erklärung mit dem Titel 8220ELECTION TO TREAT REGULATED FUTURES CONTRACTS UND NICHT EQUITY OPTIONEN ALS ABSCHNITT 988 TRANSAKTIONEN UNTER ABSCHNITT 988 (c) (1) (D) (ii) 8221, die folgendes enthält : 1.988-1 (a) (7) (iii) (A) Der Steuerpflichtige8217s Name, Anschrift und Steuerpflichtige Identifikationsnummer 1.988-1 (a) (7) (iii) (B) Das Datum, an dem die Bekanntmachung versandt oder anderweitig geliefert wird to the Internal Revenue Service Center 1.988-1(a)(7)(iii)(C) A statement that the taxpayer (including all members of such person8217s affiliated group as defined in section 1504 or in the case of an individual all persons filing a joint return with such individual) elects to have section 988(c)(1)(D)(i) and section 1.988-1(a)(7)(i) not apply 1.988-1(a)(7)( iii)(D) The date of the beginning of the taxable year for which the election is being made 1.988-1(a)(7)(iii)(E) If the election is filed after the first day of the taxable year, a statement regarding whether the taxpayer has previously held a contract described in section 988(c)(1)(D)(i) or section 1.988-1(a)(7)(i) during such taxable year, and if so, the first date during the taxable year on which such contract was held and 1.988-1(a)(7)(iii)(F) The signature of the person making the election (in the case of individuals filing a joint return, the signature of all persons filing such return). The election shall be made by the following persons: in the case of an individual, by such individual in the case of a partnership, by each partner separately effective for taxable years beginning after March 17, 1992, in the case of tiered partnerships, each ultimate partner in the case of an S corporation, by each shareholder separately in the case of a trust (other than a grantor trust) or estate, by the fiduciary of such trust or estate in the case of any corporation other than an S corporation, by such corporation (in the case of a corporation that is a member of an affiliated group that files a consolidated return, such election shall be valid and binding only if made by the common parent, as that term is used in section 1.1502-77(a)) in the case of a controlled foreign corporation, by its controlling United States shareholders under section 1.964-1(c)(3). With respect to a corporation (other than an S corporation), the election, when made by the common parent, shall be binding on all members of such corporation8217s affiliated group as defined in section 1504 that file a consolidated return. The election shall be binding on any income or loss derived from the partner8217s share (determined under the principles of section 702(a)) of all contracts described in section 988(c)(1)(D)(i) or paragraph (a)(7)(i) of this section in which the taxpayer holds a direct interest or indirect interest through a partnership or S corporation however, the election shall not apply to any income or loss of a partnership for any taxable year if such partnership made an election under section 988(c)(1)(E)(iii)(V) for such year or any preceding year. Generally, a copy of the election must be attached to the taxpayer8217s income tax return for the first year it is effective. It is not required to be attached to subsequent returns. However, in the case of a partner, a copy of the election must be attached to the taxpayer8217s income tax return for every year during which the taxpayer is a partner in a partnership that engages in a transaction that is subject to the election. 1.988-1(a)(7)(iv) Time for making the election8211 1.988-1(a)(7)(iv)(A) In general. Unless the requirements for making a late election described in paragraph (a)(7)(iv)(B) of this section are satisfied, an election under section 988(c)(1)(D)(ii) and paragraph (a)(7)(ii) of this section for any taxable year shall be made on or before the first day of the taxable year or, if later, on or before the first day during such taxable year on which the taxpayer holds a contract described in section 988(c)(1)(D)(ii) and paragraph (a)(7)(ii) of this section. The election under section 988(c)(1)(D)(ii) and paragraph (a)(7)(ii) of this section shall apply to contracts entered into or acquired after October 21, 1988, and held on or after the effective date of the election. The election shall be effective as of the beginning of the taxable year and shall be binding with respect to all succeeding taxable years unless revoked with the prior consent of the Commissioner. In determining whether to grant revocation of the election, recapture of the tax benefit derived from the election in previous taxable years will be considered. A taxpayer may make an election under section 988(c)(1)(D)(ii) and paragraph (a)(7)(ii) of this section within 30 days after the time prescribed in the first sentence of paragraph (a)(7)(iv)(A) of this section. Such a late election shall be effective as of the beginning of the taxable year however, any losses recognized during the taxable year with respect to contracts described in section 988(c)(1)(D)(ii) or paragraph (a)(7)(ii) of this section which were entered into or acquired after October 21, 1988, and held on or before the date on which the late election is mailed or otherwise delivered to the Internal Revenue Service Center shall not be treated as derived from a section 988 transaction. A late election must comply with the procedures set forth in paragraph (a)(7)(iii) of this section. 1.988-1(a)(7)(v) Transition rule. An election made prior to September 21, 1989 which satisfied the requirements of Notice 88-124, 1988-51 I. R.B. 6, shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of paragraphs (a)(7)(iii) and (iv) of this section. 1.988-1(a)(7)(vi) General effective date provision. This paragraph (a)(7) shall apply with respect to futures contracts and options entered into or acquired after October 21, 1988. Treas. Regulations 1.988-3 Character of exchange gain or loss. 1.988-3(a) In general. The character of exchange gain or loss recognized on a section 988 transaction is governed by section 988 and this section. Except as otherwise provided in section 988 (c)(1)(E), section 1092, section 1.988-5 and this section, exchange gain or loss realized with respect to a section 988 transaction (including a section 1256 contract that is also a section 988 transaction) shall be characterized as ordinary gain or loss. Accordingly, unless a valid election is made under paragraph (b) of this section, any section providing special rules for capital gain or loss treatment, such as sections 1233, 1234, 1234A, 1236 and 1256(f)(3), shall not apply. 1.988-3(b) Election to characterize exchange gain or loss on certain identified forward contracts futures contracts and option contracts as capital gain or loss8211 1.988-3(b)(1) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, a taxpayer may elect, subject to the requirements of paragraph (b)(3) of this section, to treat any gain or loss recognized on a contract described in section 1.988- 2(d)(1) as capital gain or loss, but only if the contract 8212 1.988-3(b)(1)(i) Is a capital asset in the hands of the taxpayer 1.988-3(b)(1)(ii) Is not part of a straddle within the meaning of section 1092(c) (without regard to subsections (c)(4) or (e)) and 1.988-3(b)(1)(iii) Is not a regulated futures contract or nonequity option with respect to which an election under section 988(c)(1)(D)(ii) is in effect. If a valid election under this paragraph (b) is made with respect to a section 1256 contract, section 1256 shall govern the character of any gain or loss recognized on such contract. 1.988-3(b)(2) Special rule for contracts that become part of a straddle after an election is made. If a contract which is the subject of an election under paragraph (b)(1) of this section becomes part of a straddle within the meaning of section 1092 (c) (without regard to subsections (c)(4) or (e)) after the date of the election, the election shall be invalid with respect to gains from such contract and the Commissioner, in his sole discretion, may invalidate the election with respect to losses. 1.988-3(b)(3) Requirements for making the election. A taxpayer elects to treat gain or loss on a transaction described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section as capital gain or loss by clearly identifying such transaction on its books and records on the date the transaction is entered into . No specific language or account is necessary for identifying a transaction referred to in the preceding sentence. However, the method of identification must be consistently applied and must clearly identify the pertinent transaction as subject to the section 988(a)(1)(B) election. The Commissioner, in his sole discretion, may invalidate any purported election that does not comply with the preceding sentence. 1.988-3(b)(4) Verification. A taxpayer that has made an election under section 1.988-3(b)(3) must attach to his income tax return a statement which sets forth the following: 1.988-3(b)(4)(i) A description and the date of each election made by the taxpayer during the taxpayer8217s taxable year 1.988-3(b)(4)(ii) A statement that each election made during the taxable year was made before the close of the date the transaction was entered into 1.988-3(b)(4)(iii) A description of any contract for which an election was in effect and the date such contract expired or was otherwise sold or exchanged during the taxable year 1.988-3(b)(4)(iv) A statement that the contract was never part of a straddle as defined in section 1092 and 1.988-3(b)(4)(v) A statement that all transactions subject to the election are included on the statement attached to the taxpayer8217s income tax return . In addition to any penalty that may otherwise apply, the Commissioner, in his sole discretion, may invalidate any or all elections made during the taxable year under section 1.988-3(b)(1) if the taxpayer fails to verify each election as provided in this section 1.988-3(b)(4). The preceding sentence shall not apply if the taxpayer8217s failure to verify each election was due to reasonable cause or bona fide mistake. The burden of proof to show reasonable cause or bona fide mistake made in good faith is on the taxpayer. 1.988-3(b)(5) Independent verification8211 1.988-3(b)(5)(i) Effect of independent verification. If the taxpayer receives independent verification of the election in paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the taxpayer shall be presumed to have satisfied the requirements of paragraphs (b)(3) and (4) of this section. A contract that is a part of a straddle as defined in section 1092 may not be independently verified and shall be subject to the rules of paragraph (b)(2) of this section. 1.988-3(b)(5)(ii) Requirements for independent verification. A taxpayer receives independent verification of the election in paragraph (b)(3) of this section if 8212 1.988-3(b)(5)(ii)(A) The taxpayer establishes a separate account (s) with an unrelated broker(s) or dealer(s) through which all transactions to be independently verified pursuant to this paragraph (b)(5) are conducted and reported. 1.988-3(b)(5)(ii)(B) Only transactions entered into on or after the date the taxpayer establishes such account may be recorded in the account. 1.988-3(b)(5)(ii)(C) Transactions subject to the election of paragraph (b)(3) of this section are entered into such account on the date such transactions are entered into. 1.988-3(b)(5)(ii)(D) The broker or dealer provides the taxpayer a statement detailing the transactions conducted through such account and includes on such statement the following: 8220Each transaction identified in this account is subject to the election set forth in section 988(a)(1)(B).8221 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE NATIONAL OFFICE FIELD SERVICE ADVICE MEMORANDUM FOR ASSOCIATE DISTRICT COUNSEL FROM: DEBORAH A. BUTLER ASSISTANT CHIEF COUNSEL CC:DOM:FS SUBJECT: Section 1256 Contracts and Section 988 Transactions This Field Service Advice responds to your memorandum dated November 23, 1999. Field Service Advice is not binding on Examination or Appeals and is not a final case determination. This document is not to be cited as precedent. 1. A may have traded in RFCs as defined in 1256(b)(1) and 1256(g)(1). Additional factual development is required. 2. A foreign currency contract may include a non-regulated foreign currency futures contract and a forward contract in foreign currency traded on the interbank market. 3. Foreign currency option contracts are not foreign currency contracts pursuant to 1256(g)(2). Transactions in these contracts may qualify as 988 transactions. The gains or losses on foreign currency options contracts that are not nonequity options will be characterized as ordinary gains or losses, pursuant to 988(c)(1)(B)(iii). 4. To the extend that A was in the trade or business of engaging in 988 transactions, any losses incurred could affect the taxpayers8217 NOL. 5. If C is viewed as an agent of A, its trading activity may be aggregated with A8217s activity in determining whether he was a trader or investor. 6. The taxpayers have properly amended their Tax Court petition in this case to raise the new issues with respect to the carryforward to the Year 3 tax year of NOLs allegedly incurred by the taxpayers in the Year 1 through Year 2 tax years. irs. govpubirs-wd0025020.pdf short n8217 sweet explanation found elsewhere on the web8230 Forex trades are not reported to the IRS the same as stocks and options, or futures. Forex trades are considered by the IRS as simple interest and the gain or loss is reported as 8220other income8221 on Form 1040 (line 21). No special schedules or matched trade lists are necessary. short n8217 sweet explanation 2 as suggested by larger hedge funds8230 Section 988 gain or loss While we are aware of no specific IRS instructions regarding the proper reporting of Section 988 gain or loss, we recommend that such amounts be reflected on Form 4797, Part II, line 10. National Futures Association (NFA) is the industry-wide, self-regulatory organization for the U. S. futures industry. nfa. futures. org a Rank: Based on a total universe of 2,289 U. S. and international hedge fund managers and CTAs representing US317.1 billion in assets under management reporting a single Auditor relationship to TASS Research as of 123102. In this ranking, where appropriate the group or parent company name is used. a Rank: Based on a total universe of 1,638 U. S. and international hedge fund managers and CTAs representing US214.1 billion in assets under management reporting a single Legal Counsel relationship to TASS Research as of 123102. In this ranking, where appropriate the group or parent company name is used. IRS Publication 550: Loss transactions . For individuals, a loss transaction is any transaction that results in a deductible loss if the gross amount of the loss is at least 2 million in a single tax year or 4 million in any combination of tax years. A loss from a foreign currency transaction under Internal Revenue Code section 988 is a loss transaction if the gross amount of the loss is at least 50,000 in a single tax year . whether or not the loss flows through from an S corporation or partnership. IRS Publication 334: Reportable transactions . You must file Form 8886 . Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement, to report certain transactions. You may have to pay a penalty if you are required to file Form 8886 but do not do so. You may also have to pay interest and penalties on any reportable transaction understatements. Reportable transactions include (1) transactions the same as or substantially similar to tax avoidance transactions identified by the IRS, (2) transactions offered to you under conditions of confidentiality for which you paid an advisor a minimum fee, (3) transactions for which you have, or a related party has, contractual protection against disallowance of the tax benefits, (4) transactions that result in losses of at least 2 million in any single tax year ( 50,000 if from certain foreign currency transactions ) or 4 million in any combination of tax years, (5) transactions resulting in book-tax differences of more than 10 million on a gross basis, and (6) transactions with asset holding periods of 45 days or less and that result in a tax credit of more than 250,000. For more information, see the Instructions for Form 8886. IRS Schedule C instructions: Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement . Use Form 8886 to disclose information for each reportable transaction in which you participated. Form 8886 must be filed for each tax year that your federal income tax liability is affected by your participation in the transaction . You may have to pay a penalty if you are required to file Form 8886 but do not do so. You may also have to pay interest and penalties on any reportable transaction understatements. The following are reportable transactions. Any transaction resulting in a loss of at least 2 million in any single tax year or 4 million in any combination of tax years. (At least 50,000 for a single tax year if the loss arose from a foreign currency transaction defined in section 988(c)(1) . whether or not the loss flows through from an S corporation or partnership.) Any transaction resulting in a book-tax difference of more than 10 million on a gross basis. Investor Reporting You may be required to provide the following information. 1. Reportable transaction disclosure statement. 2. Tax shelter registration number. Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement Use Form 8886 to disclose information for each reportable transaction in which you participated. Generally, you must attach Form 8886 to your return for each year that your tax liability is affected by your participation in the transaction. In addition, for the first year Form 8886 is attached to your return, you must send a copy to: Internal Revenue Service LM:PFTG:OTSA Large amp Mid-Size Business Division 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20224 If you fail to file Form 8886 as required or fail to include any required information on the form, you may have to pay a penalty. See Penalty for failure to disclose a reportable transaction later under Penalties. The following discussion briefly describes reportable transactions. For more details, see the instructions for Form 8886. Reportable transaction. A reportable transaction is any of the following. A listed transaction. A confidential transaction. A transaction with contractual protection. Loss transactions. Transactions with a significant book-tax difference. Transactions with a brief asset holding period. This category includes transactions that result in your claiming a tax credit (including a foreign tax credit) of more than 250,000 if the asset giving rise to the credit was held by you for 45 days or less. Listed transaction. A listed transaction is a transaction that is the same as or substantially similar to one of the types of transactions that the IRS has determined to be a tax-avoidance transaction. These transactions have been identified in notices, regulations, and other published guidance issued by the IRS. For a list of existing guidance, see the instructions for Form 8886. Confidential transaction. A confidential transaction is one that is offered to you under conditions of confidentiality and for which you have paid an advisor a minimum fee. A transaction is offered under conditions of confidentiality if the advisor who is paid the fee places a limit on the disclosure of the tax treatment or tax structure on you and the limit protects the advisor8217s tax strategies. The transaction is treated as confidential even if the conditions of confidentiality are not legally binding on you. Transaction with contractual protection. Generally, a transaction with contractual protection is a transaction in which you or a related party has the right to a full or partial refund of fees if all or part of the intended tax consequences of the transaction are not sustained, or a transaction for which the fees are contingent on your realizing the tax benefits from the transaction. Loss transactions. For individuals, a loss transaction is any transaction that results in a deductible loss if the gross amount of the loss is at least 2 million in a single tax year or 4 million in any combination of tax years. A loss from a foreign currency transaction under Internal Revenue Code section 988 is a loss transaction if the gross amount of the loss is at least 50,000 in a single tax year, whether or not the loss flows through from an S corporation or partnership. Certain losses (such as losses from casualties, thefts, and condemnations) are excepted from this category and do not have to be reported on Form 8886 (see Form 8886 instructions). For information on other exceptions, see Revenue Procedure 2003-24 in Internal Revenue Bulletin 2003-11. This Internal Revenue Bulletin is available at irs. govpubirs-irbsirb03-11.pdf . Transactions with a significant book-tax difference. This category includes transactions that result in book-tax differences of more than 10 million in any tax year. The book-tax difference is the amount by which the amount of any income, gain, expense, or loss item from the transaction for federal income tax purposes differs on a gross basis from the amount of the item for book purposes for any tax year. Internal Revenue Code Sec. 988 Tax Shelter Effective Date: July 26, 2005 Coordinated Issue Paper, All Industries, 8220Notice 2003-818221 Tax Shelter, UIL 9300.31-00 INTRODUCTION On December 4, 2003, the Service issued Notice 2003-81, 2003-2 C. B. 1223, announcing that it will challenge transactions involving the assignment of offsetting foreign currency options to a charity in order to claim substantial artificial net losses and identifying these transactions as listed transactions for purposes of I. R.C. 6011, 6111, and 6112. The transaction is designed to create an overall net loss (either ordinary or capital) when a taxpayer transfers two foreign currency contracts to a charity where only one such contract is subject to the mark-to-market rules contained in I. R.C. 1256. Whether the tax law permits premium income received on a taxpayer8217s written 8220minor8221 foreign currency option contracts to go untaxed where the taxpayer retains the premium but transfers the obligation associated with the written option to a charity. Whether a taxpayer participating in this shelter strategy obtained a timing benefit by being able to recognize a loss on a purchased foreign currency option in advance of gain recognition on the premium received for writing a foreign currency option. Whether a taxpayer8217s purported loss is a bona fide loss allowable under I. R.C. 165. Whether the at-risk provisions of I. R.C. 465 limit the taxpayer8217s claimed loss. Whether the transaction as a whole lacks economic substance and business purpose apart from tax savings. Whether the provisions of I. R.C. 988 limit a taxpayer8217s claimed foreign currency losses. Whether the Service should assert the appropriate I. R.C. 6662 accuracy-related penalty against a taxpayer who entered into the transaction. Whether the Service should examine the role of the charity in this transaction. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS A taxpayer remains obligated to take into income the premium received for writing a 8220minor8221 foreign currency option contract even if it transfers the obligation associated with that written option to a charity. A taxpayer did not obtain a timing benefit because I. R.C. 1092 does not permit a taxpayer to recognize loss in advance of gain on offsetting foreign currency contracts. The taxpayer8217s loss is not a bona fide loss allowable under I. R.C. 165. The taxpayer8217s loss is limited by the I. R.C. 465 at-risk provisions. The taxpayer8217s loss is disallowed because the transaction as a whole lacks economic substance and business purpose apart from tax savings. The taxpayer is not entitled to an ordinary loss under I. R.C. 988 . The 20-percent accuracy-related penalty under I. R.C. 6662 should be asserted against a taxpayer entering into this transaction unless the taxpayer is able to establish reasonable cause and good faith under I. R.C. 6664(c)(1) and the applicable regulations. The agent examining the taxable entity should forward all information gathered about the involvement of the charity to the Exempt Organizations Division of TEGE through the process established by the Notice 2003-81 Issue Management Team. Taxpayers deployed Notice 2003-81 transactions in order to offset substantial taxable income (either capital or ordinary). Taxpayers initiated the transactions by entering into an investment management agreement and opening a trading account managed by the promoter, who is also a registered investment advisor. Generally, the initial capital investment is determined by the anticipated loss needed. The required investment amount is equal to either (1) 15 of the desired ordinary loss or (2) 10 of the desired capital loss. The taxpayer agrees to leave the funds in the account for a five-year period, although funds can be withdrawn at any time subject to significant monetary penalties. A small portion, approximately 1.75, of the initial capital investment is used to establish a foreign currency trading account that is used to purchase foreign currency option contracts. The remaining balance is invested in a hedge fund of funds that in turn invests in a variety of investment vehicles including other hedge funds, stock funds, commodity funds and currency funds. B. Foreign Currency 8220Investment8221 Strategy The foreign currency 8220investment8221 strategy involves the purchase and sale of a series of foreign currency option contracts denominated in both a foreign currency in which positions are traded through regulated futures contracts and a foreign currency that is not traded through regulated futures contracts. The values of the two currencies underlying the options (i) historically have demonstrated a very high positive correlation with one another, or (ii) officially have been linked to one another, such as through the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (8220ERM II8221). 1 In one version, the taxpayer buys two 180-day European-style digital currency options, pegged to fluctuations in the exchange rate between the U. S. dollar and the euro. These positions are in a foreign currency traded through regulated futures contracts, and thus the taxpayer takes the position that such positions are I. R.C. 1256(g)(2)(A) foreign currency contracts. In the promotional materials, these contracts are referred to as the 8220major options.8221 At the same time, the taxpayer sells two 180-day European-style digital currency options, pegged to fluctuations in the exchange rate between the U. S. dollar and a stated European currency. The European currency is one in which positions are not traded on a qualified board or exchange and are not I. R.C. 1256(g)(2)(A) foreign currency contracts. In the promotional materials, these contracts are referred to as the 8220minor options.8221 The counterparty is the same for all four currency contracts. Therefore, the initial cash outlay to enter into the foreign currency positions is limited to the net premium among the offsetting contracts. In a more complex variation of the transaction, the taxpayer enters into a series of 180-day European-style digital options on the same day. Usually, the taxpayer buys two put options and sells two call options pegged to fluctuations in the exchange rate between the U. S. dollar and the euro. This group of options comprises the 8220major options.8221 The taxpayer also buys two call options and sells two put options, pegged to fluctuations in the exchange rate between the U. S. dollar and a stated European currency. This group of options comprises the 8220minor options .8221 Again, the counterparty is the same for all eight currency contracts and the initial cash outlay is relatively small in reference to the stated notional amounts of the contracts. In some deals, the taxpayer will enter into a second series of 180-day European-style options on the following day. The values of the respective currencies underlying the foreign currency transactions historically have demonstrated a very high positive correlation with one another. Therefore, the major options will move inversely to the minor options such that any gain in a major foreign currency position will be largely offset by a corresponding, though not always identical, loss in a minor foreign currency position. The bank, which serves as counterparty for these deals, generally makes representations to the taxpayer and trader concerning the statistical probabilities of the potential rate of return from the option positions indicating a profit is possible but unlikely. In fact, according to the analysis provided by the bank, there is usually a better than 50 chance that the taxpayer will lose its entire investment. C. Assignment of Major and Minor Contract to Charity Prior to the exercise date, that taxpayer assigns two of its open foreign currency contracts to a charity. The first contract is a major currency option contract that is in a loss position at the time of assignment. The taxpayer also assigns the obligation that is associated with a minor currency option contract that is in a gain position at the time of assignment of the obligation. The taxpayer takes the position that (1) the assignment of the major contract (i. e. I. R.C. 1256 contract) is treated as a termination of the contract requiring recognition of the inherent gain or loss in such contract and (2) the assignment of the minor contract obligation does not trigger the recognition of income because that contract is not covered by the mark-to-market provisions contained in I. R.C. 1256. D. Reporting of Transaction for Federal Income Tax Purposes In some cases, the taxpayer will report the listed transaction on Form 4797, Part II , Ordinary Gains and Losses as an I. R.C 988 foreign currency transaction. The loss claimed is a direct result from the disparate reporting of the donated major and minor contracts. The major contract in a loss position and the remaining option contracts that are not assigned to the charity are accounted for on Form 4797. The remaining option contract positions when closed effectively offset one another. The reporting exclusion of the gain from the donated minor contract, which closely mirrors the loss reported from the donated major contract, creates the artificial loss claimed by the taxpayer. In other cases, the taxpayer will report the listed transaction on Schedule D . Capital Gains amp Losses. In these instances, the taxpayer makes an election pursuant to I. R. C. 988(a)(1)(B) and Treas. Reg. 1.988-3(b)(4) to treat its foreign currency contracts as capital assets in order to claim a capital loss. The taxpayer is required to attach a verification statement to its filed return for a valid capital treatment election. DISCUSSION 1. A taxpayer remains obligated to take into income the premium that it received when it writes a 8220minor8221 foreign currency option contract and later transfers the obligation associated with that written option to a charity. Gain and loss on options is accounted for on an open transaction basis. As explained in Notice 2003-81, the justification for open transaction treatment is that the gain or loss on an option cannot be finally accounted for until such time as the option is terminated. Thus, premium income is not recognized until an option is sold or terminated. Rev. Rul. 58-234, 1958-1 C. B. 279, Accord Rev. Rul. 78-182, 1978-1 C. B. 265 Koch vmissioner . 67 T. C. 71 (1976), a cq . 1980-2 C. B. 1. Rev. Rul. 58-234 explains that this is the treatment for the option writer because the option writer assumes a burdensome and continuing obligation, and the transaction therefore stays open without any ascertainable income or gain until the writer8217s obligation is finally terminated. When the option writer8217s obligation terminates, the transaction closes, and the option writer must recognize any income or gain attributable to the prior receipt of the option premium. Though each taxpayer8217s transaction should be evaluated independently, the assignment documents reviewed to date have been three-party arrangements (involving the option writer, holder and charity) that seem to give rise to a novation of the option contracts. Where there is a novation, the option writer8217s obligation under the minor option contract terminates on the charity8217s assumption of the written option obligation. However, in other cases where a novation does not occur, the writer of the minor foreign currency option writer may well have a continuing obligation because the writer may be called upon to perform if the charity fails to perform or to reimburse the charity for any losses or expenses it may incur if called upon to perform. If an assumption of the liability by the charity causes the option writer8217s obligation under the option contract to terminate, then the option writer must recognize gain upon assignment, when the option obligation is assumed. Notice 2003-81. If the assumption does not terminate the option writer8217s obligation under the option contract, the option writer must recognize the premium when the option writer8217s obligation under the option contract terminates (other than through an exercise of the option against, and performance by, the option writer). Notice 2003-81. It is generally understood that charities that received these options may have terminated them either contemporaneous with or shortly after the assignments. Even if a novation did not occur to cause premium income to be recognized, there is still no support for the apparent contention that responsibility for recognizing premium income shifts to the charity as a result of the assignment of the obligation on the written option. At least some of the tax promotional materials associated with this shelter transaction suggest that the gain or premium income received by the taxpayer on the written option must be recognized by the charity (but goes untaxed because of its taxexempt status). However, there is no support for this 8220too good to be true8221 result. Rather, the taxpayers and their advisors seem to simply assume that a taxpayer can receive premium income, pass off the obligation associated with having received that premium and not be taxed on the premium. No discussion was found in the materials. including an undated draft shelter memorandum (8220Shelter Memorandum8221), that explains why the premium received by the taxpayer is not a taxable accession to wealth of the taxpayer. Nor is there any explanation as to how a charity could be taxed on this premium that the charity does not receive. There is some hint in the promotional materials that the promoters may have been seeking to pass off the transfer of the obligation on the written minor option as a 8220donation.8221 Generally, taxpayers do not recognize gain upon transfer of appreciated property to a qualified charity. See Rev. Rul. 55-138, 1955-1 C. B. 223, modified on other grounds by Rev. Rul. 68-69, 1968-1 C. B. 80. In these challenged transactions, however, property rights were not transferred only the obligation associated with the out-of-the money (losing) purchased option was transferred. The assumption of an obligation is not a donation of property to which I. R.C. 170 applies. Rather it is a disposition event governed by I. R.C. 1001. Crane v. Commissioner . 331 U. S. 1 (1947). If the assumption of the obligation by the charity also involves the donation of associated property, I. R.C. 1001(b) applies and the transaction is treated as a bargain sale. 2 Treas. Reg. 1.1011-2(a)(3) Ebben v. Commissioner . 783 F.2d 906 (9th Cir. 1986). Thus, to the extent there was a transfer of property along with an associated obligation, the taxpayers were, in general, properly advised in this scheme that their charitable deduction for the donated purchased option rights would be reduced by the amount of liability relief provided by the charity that assumed the obligation on the written minor option. In short, contrary to the advice apparently received by the taxpayers, there is no factual or legal basis for the contention that taxpayers in these shelters shifted the responsibility for recognizing the premium income or gain on the written minor option position to a charity. Rather, the taxpayers only transferred an obligation and must be taxed on the premium that they retain. 3 2. A taxpayer did not obtain a timing benefit because section 1092 does not permit a taxpayer to recognize loss in advance of gain on the offsetting foreign currency contracts. For several reasons, this foreign currency shelter transaction did not provide a timing benefit to participating taxpayers. As explained in issue 1, the open transaction doctrine deferred a taxpayer8217s recognition of premium income only until it became possible to finally account for the option transaction. As also indicated, a taxpayer will be required to pick up premium income on the minor option at the same time as loss is allowed on the major option under I. R.C. 1256(c) if there was a novation of the minor option. However, even if a novation did not occur, a taxpayer was still required to recognize income when that taxpayer8217s secondary obligation under the written minor option contract terminated. That may have occurred in the same tax year as the assignment because the options were short term and are understood to have been closed out by the charities either contemporaneous with or shortly after assignment. However, even if a charity kept open the written option obligation beyond the year of assignment, a taxpayer still would not have obtained an overall timing advantage. As indicated in Notice 2003-81, the purchased major foreign currency option and the written minor foreign currency option are substantially offsetting positions. Consequently, such positions were parts of a straddle subject to I. R.C. 1092. Thus, under I. R.C. 1092, any mark-to-market loss on the contributed major foreign currency option would have been appropriately deferred to the extent of the taxpayer8217s unrecognized gain on the written minor foreign currency option. 3. The taxpayer8217s loss is not a bona fide loss allowable under I. R.C. 165. I. R.C. 165(a) provides that there shall be allowed as a deduction any loss sustained during the taxable year and not compensated for by insurance or otherwise. Treas. Reg. 1.165-1(b) provides that to be allowable as a deduction under I. R.C. 165(a), a loss must be evidenced by closed and completed transactions, fixed by identifiable events, and, except as otherwise provided in I. R.C. 165(h) and Treas. Reg. 1.165-11 (relating to disaster losses), actually sustained during the taxable year. Under I. R.C. 165(b), the amount of the loss from the sale or other disposition of property is the adjusted basis provided in I. R.C. 1011. Treas. Reg. 1.165-1(b) further states that only a bona fide loss is allowable and that substance and not mere form shall govern in determining a deductible loss. See also ACM Partnership v. Commissioner . 157 F.3d 231, 252 (3d Cir. 1998), cert. denied . 526 U. S. 1017 (1999) 8220Tax losses. which do not correspond to any actual economic losses, do not constitute the type of bona fide8217 losses that are deductible under the Internal Revenue Code and regulations8221. Section 165(c) provides that, in the case of an individual, the deduction under 165(a) is limited to losses incurred in a trade or business, losses incurred in a transaction entered into for profit, and certain casualty or theft losses. In this case, the taxpayer has suffered no real economic loss because the acquisition and disposition of the offsetting option contracts constitute an economically inconsequential investment, with the taxpayer effectively in the same economic position as prior to the purported investment strategy less fees paid to the promoter. See ACM Partnership v. Commissioner . 157 F.3d at 251-252. Accordingly, the loss is not allowable under I. R.C. 165. I. R.C. 165(c) also disallows the loss for an individual taxpayer. The 8220loss8221 in this transaction is not incurred in a trade or business or from a casualty or theft, within the meaning of I. R.C. 165(c)(1) and (3). Therefore, a loss in this transaction is only allowable for an individual if it is incurred in a transaction undertaken for profit. I. R.C. 165(c)(2) Fox v. Commissioner . 82 T. C. 1001 (1984) Smith v. Commissioner . 78 T. C. 350 (1982). For the loss to be allowable, a profit motive must be the taxpayer8217s primary motive for engaging in the transaction. Fox v. Commissioner . 82 T. C. at 1020-21 citing Helvering v. National Grocery Co . 304 U. S. 282, 289 n.5 (1938). The taxpayer8217s potential profit from this transaction, apart from tax savings, is statistically improbable. Moreover, any profit generated would likely be derived from the capital that was invested in the hedge fund of funds rather than the small amount of capital used to acquire the major and minor contracts. In fact, the tax materials distinguish the two investment components by opining that the 8220possible profits8221 from the tax-driven currency option trading and the 8220expected profits8221 from investing in the hedge funds create sufficient 8220economic substance8221. Therefore, it is unlikely that a taxpayer can demonstrate a reasonable expectation to earn more than minimal profit solely from the foreign currency investment strategy described above, apart from tax savings. See Knetsch v. United States . 348 F.2d 932, 938 (Ct. Cl. 1965) The statutory definition of profit under I. R.C. 165(c)(2) 8220cannot embrace profit seeking activity in which the only economic gain derived therefrom results from a tax reduction.8221. Therefore, the loss is disallowed under I. R.C. 165(c)(2). 4. The taxpayer8217s loss is limited by the I. R.C. 465 at-risk provisions. I. R.C. 465 generally limits deductions for losses in certain activities to the amount for which the taxpayer is at-risk. In the case of an individual taxpayer, I. R.C. 465 limits the taxpayer8217s losses to the amount for which the taxpayer is at risk in the activity. I. R.C. 465(a)(1). I. R.C. 465 applies to all activities engaged in by the taxpayer in carrying on a trade or business or for the production of income. I. R.C. 465(c)(3)(A). Under those sections, losses incurred in an activity engaged in by a taxpayer carrying on a trade or business or for the production of income is defined broadly to include 8220excess of the allowable deductions allocable to the activity over the income received or accrued by the taxpayer during the taxable year from the activity.8221 Lansburgh v. Commissioner . 92 T. C. 448, 454-55 (1989). This interpretation is supported by the legislative history of I. R.C. 465 that provides the at risk limitation applies to losses 8220regardless of the kind of deductible expenses which contributed to the loss.8221 S. Rept. 94-938, at 48 (1976), 1976-3 C. B. (Vol.3) 86. In this case, I. R.C. 465 applies to the loss stemming from taxpayer8217s purchase of the foreign currency option contracts. The amount at-risk includes the amount of money and the adjusted basis of any property contributed by the taxpayer to the activity, and any amounts borrowed with respect to the activity to the extent that the taxpayer is personally liable to repay the amount, and to the extent of the fair market value of the taxpayer8217s interest in property, not used in the activity, pledged as security for the borrowed amount. I. R.C. 465(b)(1) and (2). Amounts protected against loss by nonrecourse financing, guarantees, stop loss agreements, or other similar arrangements, however, are not at-risk. I. R.C. 465(b)(4). The Senate report promulgated in connection with I. R.C. 465 states in pertinent part that 8220a taxpayer8217s capital is not at risk8217 in the business, even as to the equity capital which he has contributed to the extent he is protected against economic loss of all or part of such capital by reason of an agreement or arrangement for compensation or reimbursement to him of any loss which he may suffer.8221 S. Rept. No. 94-938, Pt. I at 49, 94th Cong. 2d Sess. (1976). The at-risk rules in I. R.C. 465 are most commonly applied to cases involving nonrecourse liabilities however, neither the statutory language nor the legislative history interprets the at-risk rules that narrowly. The legislative history notes that the overall purpose of the at-risk rules is to 8220prevent a situation where the taxpayer may deduct a loss in excess of his econo mic investment in certain types of activities.8221 S. Rept. No. 938, Pt. I at 48, 94th Cong. 2d Sess. (1976). The legislative history also provides that in evaluating the amount at-risk, it should be assumed that a loss-protection guarantee, repurchase agreement or other loss limiting mechanism will be fully paid to the taxpayer. S. Rep. No. 938, 94th Cong. 2d Sess. 50 n.6 (1976), C. B. 1976-3 at 88. Although the foregoing assumption regarding loss-limiting arrangements does not explicitly claim to interpret I. R.C. 465(b)(4), more than one circuit has found such an interpretation to be reasonable. See e. g. Moser v. Commissioner . 914 F.2d 1040, 1048 (8th Cir. 1990) American Principals Leasing Corp. v. Commissioner . 904 F.2d 477, 482 (9th Cir. 1990) assuming in both cases that the reference to loss-limiting arrangements in I. R.C. 465 legislative history refers to I. R.C.465(b)(4). I. R.C. 465(b)(4) limits losses to amounts at risk where a transaction is structured, by whatever method, to remove any realistic possibility that the taxpayer will suffer an economic loss. A theoretical possibility of economic loss is insufficient to avoid the suspension of losses. See Levien vmissioner . 103 T. C. 120, 125 (1994). The case law, however, is not in complete accord on this issue. In Emershaw v. Commissioner . 949 F.2d 841, 845 (6th Cir. 1991), the court adopted a worst-case scenario approach and determined that the issue of whether a taxpayer is 8220at risk8221 for purposes of I. R.C. 465(b)(4) 8220must be resolved on the basis of who realistically will be the payor of last resort if the transaction goes sour and the secured property associated with the transaction is not adequate to pay off the debt.8221 quoting Levy v. Commissioner . 91 T. C. 838, 869 (1988). In contrast, the Second, Eighth, Ninth, and Eleventh Circuits look to the underlying economic substance of the arrangements under I. R.C. 465(b)(4). Waters v. Commissioner . 978 F.2d 1310, 1316 (2d Cir. 1992) (citing American Principals Leasing Corp v. United States . 904 F.2d 477, 483 (9th Cir. 1990) Young v. Commissioner . 926 F.2d 1083, 1089 (11th Cir. 1991) Moser v. Commissioner . 914 F.2d at 1048-49. The view, as adopted by these circuits, is that, in determining who has the ultimate liability for an obligation, the economic substance and the commercial realities of the transaction control. See Waters v. Commissioner . 978 F.2d at 1316 Levien v. Commissioner . 103 T. C. 120 Thornock v. Commissioner . 94 T. C. 439, 448 (1990) Bussing v. Commissioner . 89 T. C. 1050, 1057 (1987). To determine whether a taxpayer is protected from ultimate liability, a transaction should be examined to see if it 8220is structured 8211 by whatever method 8211 to remove any realistic possibility that the taxpayer will suffer an economic loss if the transaction turns out to be unprofitable.8221 American Principals Leasing Corp. v. United States . 904 F.2d at 483 See Young v. Commissioner . 926 F.2d at 1088 Thornock v. Commissioner . 94 T. C. at 448-49 Owens v. United States . 818 F. Supp. 1089, 1097 (E. D. Tenn. 1993) Bussing v. Commissioner . 89 T. C. at 1057-58. 8220A binding contract is not necessary for I. R.C. 465(b)(4) to apply.8221 American Principals Leasing Corp. v United States . 904 F.2d at 482-83. In addition, 8220the substance and commercial realities of the financing arrangements presented. by each transaction8221 should be taken into account under I. R.C. 465(b)(4). Thornock v. Commissioner . 94 T. C. at 449. To avoid the application of I. R.C. 465(b)(4), there must be more than 8220a theoretical possibility that the taxpayer will suffer economic loss.8221 American Principals Leasing Corp. v United States . 904 F.2d at 483. In the typical 8220Notice 2003-818221 deal, the counterparty to all the foreign currency contracts is the same. Due to the fact that the currency movements between the euro and European currency used in the minor contracts closely parallel each other, the taxpayer8217s cash investment is relatively small. The transaction is carefully structured so that any gain in one option position is largely offset by a loss in another contract. Therefore, the taxpayer8217s true at-risk amount equals the net out of pocket premium paid to acquire the aggregate offsetting foreign currency positions. 5. The taxpayer8217s loss is disallowed because the transaction as a whole lacks economic substance and business purpose apart from tax savings. In addition to the statutory provisions discussed herein, the taxpayer8217s purported loss may be disallowed under the economic substance doctrine. This approach would deny the tax benefits arising because the transaction does not result in a meaningful change to the taxpayer8217s economic position other than the manufactured loss that results in the purported reduction in tax. See Knestch v. United States . 364 U. S. 361 (1960). The Tax Court has stated that tax law 8220requires that the intended transactions have economic substance separate and distinct from economic benefit achieved solely by tax reduction.8221 ACM Partnership v. Commissioner . T. C. Memo. 1997-115, aff8217d in part and rev8217d in part . 157 F.3d 231 (3rd Cir. 1998). Accordingly, this doctrine is applicable to the typical Notice 2003-81 transaction where the purported tax benefits are unintended by Congress and accomplished by a prearranged deal that serves no economic purpose apart from tax savings. In determining whether a transaction is to be respected for tax purposes, both the objective economic substance of the transaction and the subjective business motivation are considered. ACM Partnership v. Commissioner . 157 F.3d 231, 247 (3d Cir. 1998) Horn v. Commissioner . 968 F.2d 1229, 1237 (D. C. Cir. 1992) Casebeer v. Commissioner . 909 F.2d 1360, 1363 (9th Cir. 1990). Some courts apply a conjunctive analysis that requires a taxpayer to establish the presence of both economic substance (i. e. objective test) and business purpose (i. e. subjective test to determine whether the taxpayer intended the transaction to serve some useful non-tax purpose). See Pasternak v. Commissioner . 990 F.2d 893, 898 (6th Cir. 1993). Other courts apply a less stringent test that either a subjective business purpose or actual economic substance is sufficient. Rice8217s Toyota World v. Commissioner . 752 F.2d 89, 91-92 (4th Cir. 1985). An alternative analysis views economic substance and business purpose as 8220simply more precise factors to consider8221 in determining whether a transaction has any practical economic effects other than the tax benefits created. ACM Partnership v. Commissioner . 157 F.3d at 247. See also Casebeer v. Commissioner . 909 F.2d at 1363 Sacks v. Commissioner . 69 F.3d 982, 985 (9th Cir. 1995) James v. Commissioner . 899 F.2d 905, 908 (10th Cir. 1995). In addition, several courts have applied the economic substance doctrine where a taxpayer was exposed to limited risk and the transaction had a theoretical potential for profit but the profit potential was nominal and insignificant when compared to the tax benefit derived. Gregory v. Helvering . 293 U. S. 465 (1935) Transaction that is entered into for the primary purposes of creating a loss is subject to special scrutiny to determine whether such loss was bona fide Knetsch v. United States . 364 U. S. 361 (1960) Leveraged acquisition of Treasury bills and accompanying prepaid interest deduction lacked economic substance Goldstein v. Commissioner . 364 F.2d 734 739-40 (2d Cir. 1966)Deduction disallowed even though taxpayer has a possibility of small gain or loss from ownership of Treasury bills Sheldon v. Commissioner . 94 T. C. 738, 768 (1990)Loss disallowed from prearranged substantially offsetting transaction where profit potential 8220infinitesimally nominal and vastly insignificant8221 in comparison to loss claimed Rice8217s Toyota World v. Commissioner . 752 F.2d at 94 Economic substance inquiry requires an objective determination of whether reasonable possibility of profit existed apart from tax benefits. See also Compaq Computer Corp v. Commissioner . 277 F.3d at 781 IES Industries v. United States . 253 F.3d at 354 Applying same objective economic substance test discussed in Rice8217s Toyota World . The doctrine of economic substance should be raised in cases where the facts show that the transaction at issue was primarily designed to generate the tax losses, with little if any possibility for profit, and that such was the expectation of all the parties to the transaction. The wide variety of facts required to support its application should be developed at examination. The administrative record should include documents obtained from the taxpayer, the promoter and other third parties interviews with the same and expert analysis of financial data and industry practices. Summonses should be promptly issued whenever necessary to obtain the requisite transactional documents. In addition to evidence that shows a lack of pre-tax profit potential, facts should be developed demonstrating that the taxpayer and the promoter primarily planned the transaction for tax purposes. Such evidence should include the following: (1) documents or other evidence that the foreign currency option contracts were sold as tax shelters with limited consideration of the underlying economics of the transaction and (2) evidence that a prudent investor would not have invested in the strategy but for the tax savings. A primary source of such evidence is correspondence between the promoter and the taxpayer, including, but not limited to, offering memos, letters identifying tax goals, e - mails and in-house communications at the offices of the promoter and any other third party involved in the strategy. Written correspondence is the best evidence, but evidence of oral communications regarding tax goals is also useful. Indirect sources of the same include correlations between tax losses generated and tax losses requested, and between the taxpayer8217s income and the tax losses generated, particularly if it can be shown that the income to be sheltered was attributable to an unusual windfall, like the liquidation of stock options, or sale of a business. Demonstrations of similarities of the nature and extent of tax losses acquired by other clients of the promoter in this shelter can be very important as well. In the typical case, the transaction fails both prongs of the economic substance analysis. The following facts underscore a lack of a legitimate potential or realistic possibility for a pre-tax profit (i. e objective prong): First, the taxpayer8217s profit potential from the aggregate foreign currency options is severely limited by the offsetting nature of the respective contracts. Although not a traditional straddle, the option contracts create substantially offsetting positions whereby any gain in one contract is offset in another contract. Second, the profit, if any, would be derived from the contractual provision that required a payment equal to twice the premium amount to the holder if the strike price was at or above a stated amount on the exercise date. Third, the net premium paid to enter the option contracts is a mere 1.75 of the actual loss claimed. Fourth, any potential profit realized would be further reduced by significant up - front transaction costs. The fees paid to the promoter were 5 for a capital loss or 6 for any ordinary loss desired. Fifth, the only true profit potential comes from the additional hedge fund investment that represents a distinct investment separate from the foreign currency scheme. This 8220real8221 investment, which was a prerequisite to obtaining the desired loss, provides the trappings of legitimacy and creates the illusion of profit when aggregated with the tax shelter investment. These facts persuasively demonstrate the lack of any realistic potential for pre-tax profit from the foreign currency strategy. The transaction also fails the subjective economic substance prong. Typically, the taxpayer has significant taxable income (either capital gain income or ordinary income) unrelated to the transaction. Through participation in this transaction, the taxpayer is able to choose the character and amount of the loss needed to offset the unrelated income. The close connection between the taxable income being sheltered and the claimed loss suggests that the taxpayer did not enter into this transaction for a business purpose. As the Tenth Circuit has recognized, 8220correlation of losses to tax needs coupled with a general indifference to, or absence of, economic profits may reflect a lack of economic substance.8221 Keeler v. Commissioner . 243 F.3d 1212, 1218 (10th Cir. 2001), citing Freytag v. Commissioner . 89 T. C. 849, 877-878 (1987). Here, the taxpayer does not have a substantial non-tax purpose for entering into the structured transaction other than the creation of an artificial tax loss. If the revenue agent, after consultation with Financial Products specialist andor economist, determines that it is appropriate to assert economic substance with respect to a specific transaction, consideration must be given to possible appellate venue. As discussed herein, various circuits apply different standards in determining whether a transaction lacks economic substance. Prior to asserting economic substance, the examiner should consult with local Counsel to determine the appropriate standard in their jurisdiction. In cases where a taxpayer who invested in the transaction is unable to establish that (1) the transaction changes in a meaningful way (apart from Federal income tax consequences) the taxpayer8217s economic position and (2) that the taxpayer has a substantial non-tax purposes for entering into such transaction and the transaction is a reasonable means of accomplishing such purpose the tax benefits, fees or expenses, related thereto, may be disallowed. 6. The taxpayer is not entitled to an ordinary loss under I. R.C. 988. I. R.C. 985-989, which were enacted as part of the Tax Reform Act of 1986, set forth a comprehensive set of rules for the treatment of foreign currency transactions. In general, I. R.C. 988(a)(1)(A) provides that foreign currency gain or loss attributable to an I. R.C. 988 transaction is computed separately and treated as ordinary income or loss. The I. R.C. 988 foreign currency transaction rules generally apply to forward contracts, futures contracts, options contracts and similar financial instruments. The legislative history of I. R.C. 985-989 suggests a consistent concern about tax motivated transactions. The Senate Finance Committee Report accompanying the Tax Reform Act of 1986 stated that one of the two reasons I. R.C. 985-989 were enacted was prior law provided opportunities for tax motivated transactions. S. Rep. No. 313. 99th Cong. 2d Sess. 450 (1986). Accordingly, in enacting I. R.C. 985-989, Congress granted broad authority for the Service to promulgate regulations 8220as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of I. R.C. 985-989. 8221 I. R.C. 989(c). The legislative history to the TAMRA, in discussing the law prior to the enactment of TAMRA, stated that 8220the Secretary has general authority to provide the regulations necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of new subpart J. For example, the Secretary may prescribe regulations appropriately recharacterizing transactions to harmonize the general realization and recognition provisions of the Code with the policies of 988.8221 H. R. Rep. No. 795, 100th Cong. 2d Sess. 296 (1988) S. Rep. No. 445, 100th Cong. 2d Sess. 311 (1988) (containing identical language). In response to Congressional concern about tax motivated transactions, the Service, under the authority of I. R.C. 989(c), promulgated Treas. Reg. 1.988-2(f) and Treas. Reg. 1.988-1(a)(11). Treas. Reg. 1.988-2(f) states that if the substance of a transaction differs from its form, the Commissioner may recharacterize the timing, source, and character of gains or losses with respect to the transaction in accordance with the substance of the transaction. Treas. Reg. 1.988-1(a)(11) states, in relevant part, that the Commissioner may exclude a transaction or series of transactions which in form is an I. R.C. 988 transaction from the provisions of I. R.C. 988 if the substance of the transaction, or series of transactions indicates that it is not properly considered an I. R.C. 988 transaction. In this case, the transaction at issue may be recharacterized in accordance with its substance so that the taxpayer is required to take i nto account gain as well as the economically corresponding loss under Treas. Reg. 1.988-2(f). For purposes of I. R.C. 988, the Service may adjust the timing of the transaction at issue consistently with its substance and require the taxpayer to recognize gain upon the transfer of the minor contract to the charity on the date of such transfer. The taxpayer8217s ordinary loss as reported on its return does not reflect the substance of the transaction because the Investor is not economically exposed to fluctuations in the values of the foreign currency positions. The claimed loss is not the result of exposure to exchange rate fluctuations, but rather of differences in timing of recognition of economically offsetting gain and loss positions in an engineered transaction. Accordingly, under Treas. Reg. 1.988-2(f), the taxpayer is required to take both gain and loss into account consistently. Alternatively, the loss may be excluded from I. R.C. 988 under Treas. Reg. 1.988-1(a)(11) because the reported loss is due to the different reporting methods of the major and minor contracts and does not reflect changes in foreign currency exchange rates. Excluding the transaction from the provisions of I. R.C. 988 under this alternative approach, however, would result in capital loss treatment. Barnes Group v. United States . 697 F. Supp 591 (D. Conn. 1988). 7. The 20 percent accuracy-related penalty under I. R.C. 6662 should be asserted against a taxpayer entering into this transaction unless the taxpayer is able to establish reasonable cause and good faith under I. R.C. 6664(c)(1) and applicable regulations. I. R.C. 6662 4 imposes an accuracy-related penalty in an amount equal to 20 percent of the portion of an underpayment attributable to, among other things: (1) negligence or disregard of rules or regulations and (2) any substantial understatement of income tax. Treas. Reg. 1.6662- 2(c) provides that there is no stacking of the accuracy-related penalty components. Thus, the maximum accuracy-related penalty imposed on any portion of an underpayment is 20 percent (40 percent for gross valuation misstatements), even if that portion of the underpayment is attributable to more than one type of misconduct. See D. H.L. Corp. v. Commissioner . T. C. Memo. 1998-461, aff8217d in part and rev8217d on other grounds . remanded by 285 F.3d 1210 (9th Cir. 2002). In order to facilitate the examiner8217s review of the relevant facts and circumstances associated with application of the I. R.C. 6662 penalty, this paper first provides a general overview of the law associated with the penalty where there is (a) negligence or disregard of rules or regulations and (b) any substantial understatement of income tax. After the general overview, some more practical suggestions are offered based on the information that has been reviewed to date including the above - referenced shelter promotion materials and Shelter Memorandum. Much of the focus in that later discussion is on substantial understatement. Negligence or Disregard of Rules or Regulations Negligence under I. R.C. 6662 includes any failure to make a reasonable attempt to comply with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code or to exercise ordinary and reasonable care in the preparation of a tax return. See I. R.C. 6662(c) and Treas. Reg. 1.6662-3(b)(1). Negligence also includes the failure to do what a reasonable and ordinarily prudent person would do under the same circumstances. See Marcello v. Commissioner . 380 F.2d 499, 506 (5th Cir. 1967), aff8217g 43 T. C. 168 (1964) Neely v. Commissioner . 85 T. C. 934, 947 (1985). Treas. Reg. 1.6662-3(b)(1)(ii) provides that negligence is strongly indicated where a taxpayer fails to make a reasonable attempt to ascertain the correctness of a deduction, credit or exclusion on a return that would seem to a reasonable and prudent person to be 8220too good to be true8221 under the circumstances. A return position that has a reasonable basis as defined in Treas. Reg. 1.6662-3(b)(3) is not attributable to negligence. Treas. Reg. 1.6662-3(b)(1). 8220Disregard of rules and regulations8221 includes any careless, reckless, or intentional disregard of rules and regulations. A disregard of rules or regulations is 8220careless8221 if the taxpayer does not exercise reasonable diligence in determining the correctness of a position taken on its return that is contrary to the rule or regulation. A disregard is 8220reckless8221 if the taxpayer makes little or no effort to determine whether a rule or regulation exists, under circumstances demonstrating a substantial deviation from the standard of conduct observed by a reasonable person. Additionally, a disregard of the rules and regulations is 8220intentional8221 where the taxpayer has knowledge of the rule or regulation that it disregards. Treas. Reg. 1.6662-3(b)(2). The term 8220rules and regulations8221 includes the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, temporary or final treasury regulations, and revenue rulings or notices (other than notices of proposed rulemaking) issued by the Internal Revenue Service and published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin. Treas. Reg. 1.6662-3(b)(2). Therefore, if the facts indicate that a taxpayer took a return position contrary to any published notice or revenue ruling, the taxpayer may be subject to the accuracy-related penalty for an underpayment attributable to disregard of rules and regulations, if the return position was taken subsequent to the issuance of the notice or revenue ruling. The accuracy-related penalty for disregard of rules and regulations will not be imposed on any portion of underpayment due to a position contrary to rules and regulations if: (1) the position is disclosed on a properly completed Form 8275 or Form 8275-R (the latter is used for a position contrary to regulations) and (2) in the case of a position contrary to a regulation, the position represents a good faith challenge to the validity of a regulation. 5 Treas. Reg. 1.6662-3(c). This adequate disclosure exception applies only if the taxpayer has a reasonable basis for the position and keeps adequate records to substantiate items correctly. Treas. Reg. 1.6662-3(c)(1). Moreover, a taxpayer who takes a position contrary to a revenue ruling or a notice has not disregarded the ruling or notice if the contrary position has a realistic possibility of being sustained on its merits. Treas. Reg. 1.6662-3(b)(2). The taxpayer has the ultimate burden of overcoming the presumption that the Service8217s determination of negligence is correct. Marcello v. Commissioner . 380 F.2d 499, 507 (5th Cir. 1967). With respect to examinations commencing after July 22, 1998, however, the Service must first meet the burden of production with respect to negligence. I. R.C. 7491(c) Higbee v. Commissioner . 116 T. C. 438, 446 (2002). Substantial Understatement A substantial understatement of income tax exists for a taxable year if the amount of the understatement exceeds the greater of 10 percent of the tax required to be shown on the return or 5,000 (10,000 for a corporation, other than an S corporation or a personal holding company). I. R.C. 6662(d)(1). Specific rules apply to the calculation of the understatement when any portion of the understatement arises from an item attributable to a tax shelter. For purposes of I. R.C. 6662(d)(2)(C), a tax shelter is a partnership or other entity, an investment plan or arrangement, or other plan or arrangement where a significant purpose of such partnership, entity, plan or arrangement is the avoidance or evasion of federal income tax. I. R.C. 6662(d)(2)(C)(iii). Because a significant purpose of the Notice 2003-81 transaction is tax avoidance, it is a tax shelter pursuant to I. R.C. 6662(d)(2)(C). Different rules, however, apply depending upon whether the taxpayer is a corporation or an individual or entity other than a corporation. In the case of any item of a taxpayer other than a corporation, which is attributable to a tax shelter, understatements are generally reduced by the portion of the understatement attributable to: (1) the tax treatment of items for which there was substantial autho rity for such treatment, and (2) the taxpayer reasonably believed that the tax treatment of the item was more likely than not the proper treatment. I. R.C. 6662(d)(2)(C)(i). 6 The substantial authority standard is an objective standard involving an analysis of the law and application of the law to relevant facts. Treas. Reg. 1.6662-4(d)(1). Here, there was no substantial authority for the tax treatment of this transaction. A taxpayer is considered to have reasonably believed that the tax treatment of an item is more likely than not the proper tax treatment if (1) the taxpayer analyzes the pertinent facts and authorities, and based on that analysis reasonably concludes, in good faith, that there is a greater than 50 likelihood that the tax treatment of the item will be upheld if the Service challenges it, or (2) the taxpayer reasonably relies, in good faith, on the opinion of a professional tax advisor, which clearly states (based on the advisor8217s analysis of the pertinent facts and authorities) that the advisor concludes there is a greater than 50 likelihood the tax treatment of the item will be upheld if the Service challenges it. Treas. Reg. 1.6662-4(g)(4). However, a taxpayer cannot claim to have reasonably relied in good faith on the opinion of a professional tax advisor if the requirements of Treas. Reg. 1.6664-4(c)(1) are not met. Treas. Reg. 1.6662-4(g)(4)(ii). (As a practical matter, the requirement that the opinion take into account the particular motivations and circumstances of the taxpayer makes reliance on a 8220canned8221 opinion inherently questionable.) This is discussed further under 8220Reasonable Cause Exception8221 below. If the item is attributable to a tax shelter and the taxpayer is a corporation, the understatement cannot be reduced. 7 I. R.C. 6662(d)(2)(C)(ii). Therefore, if a corporate taxpayer has a substantial understatement that is attributable to a tax shelter item, the accuracy related penalty applies to the underpayment arising from the understatement unless the reasonable cause and good faith exception applies. Reasonable Cause Exception I. R.C. 6664(c) provides an exception, applicable to all types of taxpayers, to the imposition of any accuracy-related penalty if the taxpayer shows that there was reasonable cause and the taxpayer acted in good faith. Special rules apply to items of a corporation attributable to a tax shelter resulting in a substantial understatement. The determination of whether the taxpayer acted with reasonable cause and in good faith is made on a case-by-case basis, taking into account all relevant facts and circumstances. See Treas. Reg. 1.6664-4(b)(1) and Treas. Reg. 1.6664-4(f)(1). All relevant facts, including the nature of the tax investment, the complexity of the tax issues, issues of independence of a tax advisor, the competence of a tax advisor, the sophistication of the taxpayer, and the quality of an opinion, must be developed to determine whether the taxpayer was reasonable and acted in good faith. Generally, the most important factor in determining whether the taxpayer has reasonable cause and acted in good faith is the extent of the taxpayer8217s effort to assess the proper tax liability. See Treas. Reg. 1.6664-4(b)(1) see also Larson v. Commissioner . T. C. Memo. 2002-295 Estate of Simplot v. Commissioner . 112 T. C. 130, 183 (1999) (citing Mandelbaum v. Commissioner . T. C. Memo. 1995-255), rev8217d on other grounds . 249 F.3d 1191 (9th Cir. 2001). For example, reliance on erroneous information reported on an information return indicates reasonable cause and good faith, provided that the taxpayer did not know or have reason to know that the information was incorrect. Similarly, an isolated computational or transcription error is not inconsistent with reasonable cause and good faith. Treas. Reg. 1.6664-4(b)(1). Circumstances that may suggest reasonable cause and good faith include an honest misunderstanding of fact or law that is reasonable in light of the facts, including the experience, knowledge, sophistication and education of the taxpayer. Treas. Reg. 1.6664-4(b)(1). The taxpayer8217s mental and physical condition, as well as sophistication with respect to the tax laws, at the time the return was filed, are relevant in deciding whether the taxpayer acted with reasonable cause. See Kees v. Commissioner . T. C. Memo. 1999-41. If the taxpayer is misguided, unsophisticated in tax law, and acts in good faith, a penalty is not warranted. See Collins v. Commissioner . 857 F.2d 1383, 1386 (9th Cir. 1988) cf. Spears v. Commissioner, T. C. Memo. 1996-341, aff8217d, 98-1 USTC 50,108 (2d Cir. 1997)Court was unconvinced by the claim of highly sophisticated, able, and successful investors that they acted reasonably in failing to inquire about their investment and simply relying on offering circulars and accountant, despite warnings in offering materials and explanations by accountant about limitations of accountant8217s investigation. Reliance upon a tax opinion provided by a professional tax advisor may serve as a basis for the reasonable cause and good faith exception to the accuracy-related penalty. The reliance, however, must be objectively reasonable, as discussed more fully below. For example, the taxpayer must supply the professional with all the necessary information to assess the tax matter. The advice also must be based upon all pertinent facts and circumstances and the law as it relates to those facts and circumstances. The advice must not be based on unreasonable factual or legal assumptions (including assumptions as to future events) and must not unreasonably rely on the representations, statements, findings, or agreements of the taxpayer or any other person. For example, the advice must not be based upon a representation or assumption which the taxpayer knows, or has reason to know, is unlikely to be true, such as an inaccurate representation or assumption as to the taxpayer8217s purposes for entering into a transaction or for structuring a transaction in a particular manner. See Treas. Reg. 1.6664-4(c)(1)(ii). In Long Term Capital Holdings v. United States . 330 F. Supp.2d 122 (D. Conn. 2004), the court concluded that a legal opinion did not provide a taxpayer with reasonable cause where (1) the taxpayer did not receive the written opinion prior to filing its tax return, and the record did not establish the taxpayer8217s receipt of an earlier oral opinion upon which it would have been reasonable to rely (2) the opinion was based upon unreasonable assumptions (3) the opinion did not adequately analyze the applicable law and (4) the taxpayer8217s partners did not adequately review the opinion to determine whether it would be reasonable to rely on it. In addition, the court concluded that the taxpayer8217s lack of good faith was evidenced by its decision to attempt to conceal the losses reported from the transaction by netting them against gains on its return. Where a tax benefit depends on nontax factors, the taxpayer has a duty to investigate the underlying factors rather than simply relying on statements of another person, such as a promoter. See Novinger v. Commissioner . T. C. Memo. 1991-289. Further, if the tax advisor is not versed in these nontax matters, mere reliance on the tax advisor does not suffice. See Addington v. United States . 205 F.3d 54, 58 (2d Cir. 2000) Collins v. Commissioner . 857 F.2d 1383, 1386 (9th Cir. 1988) Freytag v. Commissioner . 89 T. C. 849, 888 (1987), aff8217d,904 F.2d 1011 (5th Cir. 1990). Although a professional tax advisor8217s lack of independence is not alone a basis for rejecting a taxpayer8217s claim of reasonable cause and good faith, the fact that a taxpayer knew or should have known of the advisor8217s lack of independence is strong evidence that the taxpayer may not have relied in good faith upon the advisor8217s opinion. See Neonatology Associates, P. A. v. Commissioner . 115 T. C. 43, 98 (2001), aff8217d 299 F.3d 221 (3rd Cir. 2002) 8220Reliance may be unreasonable when it is placed upon insiders, promoters, or their offering materials, or when the person relied upon has an inherent conflict of interest that the taxpayer knew or should have known about8221 Goldman v. Commissioner . 39 F.3d 402, 408 (2d Cir. 1994) aff8217g T. C. Memo. 1993-480 8220Appellants cannot reasonably rely for professional advice on someone they know to be burdened with an inherent conflict of interest8221 Marine v. Commissioner . 92 T. C. 958, 992-93 (1989), aff8217d without published opinion, 921 F.2d 280 (9th Cir. 1991). Such reliance is especially unreasonable when the advice would seem to a reasonable person to be 8220too good to be true.8221 Pasternak v. Commissioner . 990 F.2d 893, 903 (6th Cir. 1993), aff8217g Donahue v. Commissioner . T. C. Memo. 1991-181 Gale v. Commissioner . T. C. Memo. 2002-54 Elliot v. Commissioner . 90 T. C. 960, 974 (1988), aff8217d without published opinion . 899 F.2d 18 (9th Cir. 1990) Treas. Reg. 1.6662-3(b)(2). Similarly, the fact that a taxpayer consulted an independent tax advisor is not, standing alone, conclusive evidence of reasonable cause and good faith if additional facts suggest that the advice is not dependable. Edwards v. Commissioner . T. C. Memo. 2002-169 Spears v. Commissioner . T. C. Memo. 1996-341, aff8217d, 98-1 USTC 50,108 (2d Cir. 1997). For example, a taxpayer may not rely on an independent tax adviser if the taxpayer knew or should have known that the tax adviser lacked sufficient expertise, the taxpayer did not provide the advisor with all necessary information, or the information the advisor was provided was not accurate.8221 Baldwin v. Commissioner . T. C. Memo. 2002- 162 Spears v. Commissioner . T. C. Memo. 1996-341, aff8217d, 98-1 USTC 50,108 (2d Cir. 1997). Observations Regarding Application of Penalty to This Shelter When it appears that imposing the accuracy-related penalty is warranted, the examiner needs to carefully evaluate the application of the penalty for each taxpayer that is audited. This review is made somewhat easier by the fact that taxpayers must satisfy more stringent standards to avoid application of the penalty where the substantial understatement is in connection with a tax shelter transaction. From a practical standpoint, it will be critical for the examiner to focus upon whether the taxpayer based its return position on a more likely than not legal opinion of a professional tax advisor that considered all pertinent facts and lines of legal authority. Based on the review of the limited materials gathered to date in connection with this shelter transaction, it may be quite difficult for taxpayers to show that they satisfied that standard. As an initial matter, the examiner should determine whether the taxpayer obtained or relied upon a signed and dated legal opinion that unambiguously concludes that the taxpayer8217s return positions were more likely than not to be sustained if challenged. If the taxpayer has not reasonably relied on such an opinion, then the accuracy-related penalty should be asserted. Moreover, while all facts would still have to be considered, the accuracy-related penalty should also apply if the taxpayer simply relied on a 8220canned8221 legal opinion that does not address that taxpayer8217s particular circumstances. Almost by definition, such a 8220canned opinion could not be reasonably relied upon because it would not address the taxpayer8217s particular motivations and other pertinent circumstances. Even if the taxpayer could have reasonably relied on a 8220canned8221 legal opinion or one that is directed to the taxpayer, it will be necessary to evaluate whether the opinion took into account all pertinent facts and lines of legal authority. If the draft Shelter Memorandum is a good barometer of the quality of the opinions, if any, provided to taxpayers, the examiner may find that highly pertinent facts were overlooked or misstated. For instance, it is plainly troubling that the draft Shelter Memorandum reached its conclusions regarding section 1092 by assuming that the assigned foreign currency options were not substantially offsetting positions even though separate promotional documents clearly tout the positions as being almost completely offsetting. Moreover, the legal memorandum virtually ignores all discussion of the economics and legal effects of the assignments. In addition, it will be critical to examine whether the legal opinion addressed all relevant lines of legal authority. As a guide, the examiner should determine if each of the legal issues raised in this CIP were meaningfully considered. The draft Shelter Memorandum was clearly deficient in that regard. For instance, the legal memorandum failed to consider any authority that addresses the tax accounting for options and failed to consider whether the form of assignment caused gain or loss to be recognized under the open transaction doctrine. Though section 988 was considered, the draft memorandum also failed to consider the anti-abuse rules of Treas. Reg. 1.988-2(f). 8. The agent examining the taxable entity should forward all information gathered about the involvement of the charity to the Exempt Organizations Division of TEGE through the process established by the Notice 2003-81 Issue Management Team. Through IDRs and otherwise, the agent examining a taxable entity that entered into one of these transactions will obtain information about the involvement of the charity. In all cases, the agent should forward that information to the Exempt Organizations Division of TEGE through the process established by the Notice 2003-81 Issue Management Team. Examiners should refer to the Notice 2003-81 toolkit for the most current EO contact information, including contact person, address, phone and fax numbers. Information provided by the examiners to Exempt Organizations will be helpful in alerting Examination and Determination Agents so they may identify issues and take appropriate actions. Exempt Organizations will need to exercise discretion in determining how to proceed with the information that it receives because the nature of the charity8217s involvement in these transactions may vary. In some cases, a 8220charity8221 may have been created by the promoter or someone affiliated with the promoter specifically to facilitate these transactions. The custom-made charity may purport to engage in appropriate charitable activities, but evidence could show substantial andor repeated involvement as the accommodation party in the transaction. Other cases may involve charities that are well-established in their appropriate charitable endeavors but that appear as accommodation parties in these or other abusive tax transactions. Their involvement may appear on the books simply as a donation, as a net donation from offsetting options or property, or as part of an investment portfolio. The Service will apply the full array of enforcement tools to those entities whose focus is on accommodating abusive tax transactions. Playing that role does not further a charitable or other tax-exempt purpose. If this role is apparent in the application process for exemption, the Service will not recognize the entity as exempt. If the Service discovers this abusive behavior after having already recognized the entity as exempt, the Service will move to revoke the entity8217s exemption, possibly back to its inception. Where the Service learns that an otherwise compliant charity has become involved in an abusive transaction as an accommodating party, whether booked as a donation, fee, investment, or otherwise, the charity may expect to be contacted by the Service. The charity may be requested to provide the details of its involvement, information about the transaction and other parties, etc. Depending on the circumstances, this contact may be made by the Exempt Organizations Division as a compliance check with respect to the Form 990 or other return, or as part of an inquiry into the charity8217s own taxation and exemption status or other associated tax issues. In the alternative, it may arise as a third-party request for information relating to the examination of a promoter or taxable party. Prior to any contact being made to charity, coordination must first be made with the Exempt Organizations Division. While these transactions, at a minimum, raise questions about an organization8217s governance, if significant levels or types of involvement come to light, the Service will take the tax-exempt entity8217s involvement into account in determining whether to continue to recognize the entity8217s exemption or to apply an appropriate tax. FOOTNOTES In the transactions examined thus far, the strategy consists of the purchase and sale of a series of foreign currency option contracts denominated in both the euro and a currency of a European country (usually the Danish krone) that participates in the ERM II for fixing the participating currency exchange rate against the euro within a narrow fluctuation band. I. R.C. 170(e) may also affect the amount of the donation. Because only an obligation is transferred, there is no need to consider whether the premium would be taxed to the taxpayer under the assignment of income doctrine. It stands to reason, however, that if the assignment of income doctrine applies to certain transfers of income rights to charities, it should have been more than obvious to the promoters of this shelter that transferring the obligation but not the premium to a charity would not cause the responsibility for paying tax on the premium to be shifted to the charity. The American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, P. L. 108-357, 118 Stat. 1418 (the 8220Act8221), was enacted on October 22, 2004. The Act created 6662A, which imposes an accuracy related penalty on understatements with respect to reportable transactions, and amended 6662. I. R.C. 6662A and the amendments to 6662 apply only to tax years ending after October 22, 2004. Thus, this CIP does not discuss 6662A and references 6662 before amendment by the Act. For returns filed after December 31, 2002, if the position relates to a reportable transaction, adequate disclosure also requires disclosure in accordance with Treas. Reg. 1.6011-4. Treas. Reg. 1.6662-3(c)(1). It should be noted that the AJCA amendments to I. R.C. 6662, for tax years ending after October 22, 2004, eliminated reduction of the understatement for all taxpayers if the item is attributable to a tax shelter. See above note for changes made by the AJCA. Part III 8211 Administrative, Procedural and Miscellaneous Tax Avoidance Using Offsetting Foreign Currency Option Contracts Notice 2003-81 The Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department are aware of a type of transaction, described below, in which a taxpayer claims a loss upon the assignment of a section 1256 contract to a charity but fails to report the recognition of gain when the taxpayer8217s obligation under an offsetting non-section 1256 contract terminates. This notice alerts taxpayers and their representatives that these transactions are tax avoidance transactions and identifies these transactions, and those that are substantially similar to these transactions, as listed transactions for purposes of 1.6011-4(b)(2) of the Income Tax Regulations and 301.6111-2(b)(2) and 301.6112-1(b)(2) of the Procedure and Administration Regulations. This notice also alerts parties involved with these transactions of certain responsibilities that may arise from their involvement with these transactions. A taxpayer pays premiums to purchase a call option and a put option (the purchased options) on a foreign currency. The following sentence is an erroneous conclusion of law. The currency is one in which positions are traded through regulated futures contracts, and the purchased options, therefore, are foreign currency contracts within the meaning of section 1256(g)(2)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code and section 1256 contracts within the meaning of section 1256(b). This sentence should have stated: The taxpayer takes the position that the purchased options are foreign currency contracts within the meaning of 1256(g)(2)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code and 1256 contracts within the meaning of 1256(b). The purchased options are reasonably expected to move inversely in value to one another over a relevant range, thus ensuring that, as the value of the underlying foreign currency changes, the taxpayer will hold a loss position in one of the two section 1256 contracts. The taxpayer also receives premiums for writing a call option and a put option (the written options) on a different foreign currency in which positions are not traded through regulated futures contracts. Thus, the written options are not foreign currency contracts within the meaning of section 1256(g)(2)(A), nor are they section 1256 contracts within the meaning of section 1256(b). The written options are reasonably expected to move inversely in value to one another over a relevant range, thus ensuring that, as the value of the underlying foreign currency changes, the taxpayer will hold a gain position in one of the two non-section 1256 contracts. The values of the two currencies underlying the purchased and written options (i) historically have demonstrated a very high positive correlation with one another, or (ii) officially have been linked to one another, such as through the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM II). Thus, as the currencies change in value, the taxpayer reasonably expects to have the following potential gains and losses in substantially offsetting positions: (1) a loss in a purchased option and a gain in a written option and (2) a gain in a purchased option and a loss in a written option. At any time, the taxpayer8217s loss in the purchased option position that has declined in value may be more or less than the taxpayer8217s gain in the offsetting written option position that has appreciated in value. Similarly, the taxpayer8217s gain in the remaining purchased option position may be more or less than the taxpayer8217s loss in the remaining written option position. A material pre-tax profit or rate of return, or both, on the transaction is possible but unlikely. The taxpayer assigns to a charity the purchased option that has a loss. The charity also assumes the taxpayer8217s obligation under the offsetting written option that has a gain. As with all written options, the amount of gain on the option is limited to the premium received for the option. In the same tax year, the taxpayer may dispose of the remaining purchased option and offsetting written option. Because the purchased option assigned to the charity is a section 1256 contract, the taxpayer relies on section 1256(c) and Greene v. United States . 79 F.3d 1348 (2d Cir. 1996), to mark to market the purchased option when the option is assigned to the charity and to recognize a loss at that time. In contrast, because the assumed written option is not a section 1256 contract, the taxpayer claims not to recognize gain attributable to the option premium. Specifically, the taxpayer claims that the charity8217s assumption of the option obligation does not cause the taxpayer to recognize gain and that the taxpayer also does not recognize gain either at the time the option expires or terminates or at any other time. Rev. Rul. 58-234, 1958-1 C. B. 279, clarified by Rev. Rul. 68-151, 1968-1 C. B. 363, holds that an option writer does not recognize income or gain with respect to a premium received for writing an option until the option is terminated, without exercise, or otherwise. Accord Rev. Rul. 78-182, 1978-1 C. B. 265 Koch v. Commissioner . 67 T. C. 71 (1976), acq . 1980-2 C. B. 1. Rev. Rul. 58-234 explains that this is the treatment for the option writer because the option writer assumes a burdensome and continuing obligation, and the transaction therefore stays open without any ascertainable income or gain until the writer8217s obligation is finally terminated. When the option writer8217s obligation terminates, the transaction closes, and the option writer must recognize any income or gain attributable to the prior receipt of the option premium. In some cases, the option writer8217s obligation under the option contract may terminate on the charity8217s assumption of the written option obligation. In other cases, the writer will have a continuing obligation because the writer may be called upon to perform if the charity fails to perform or to reimburse the charity for any losses or expenses it may incur if called upon to perform. If an assumption terminates the option writer8217s obligation under the option contract, the option writer must recognize gain when the option obligation is assumed. If the assumption does not terminate the option writer8217s obligation under the option contract, the option writer must recognize the premium when the option writer8217s obligation under the option contract terminates (other than through an exercise of the option against, and performance by, the option writer). These general principles remain applicable even if the assumption of the option writer8217s obligation is part of what the taxpayer claims is a donative transaction. Cf . Diedrich v. Commissioner . 457 U. S. 191 (1982) (noting that if a donee pays a gift tax obligation arising from a donative transfer, the donative nature of the transaction does not preclude income recognition by the donor on the obligation assumed). Here, the taxpayer has made a transfer to the charity of the purchased option, and the charity has assumed the burden of the written option. No aspect of the taxpayer8217s transfer or the charity8217s assumption (or their combination) relieves the taxpayer from its duty under the Code to account for the gain attributable to the premium originally received by the taxpayer for assuming the burden of writing the option. See Lucas v. Earl . 281 U. S. 111 (1930) (holding that a taxpayer may not avoid inclusion of future earned income by making a gratuitous transfer of the right to receive the income). Finally, if the taxpayer has any unrecognized gain on the written option at the end of the year in which the assumption occurs (e. g. the assumption did not terminate the option writer8217s obligation under the option contract), the mark-to-market loss on the offsetting contributed section 1256 contract will be deferred under section 1092. Transactions that are the same as, or substantially similar to, the transactions described in this notice are identified as 8220listed transactions8221 for purposes of 1.6011-4(b)(2), 301.6111-2(b)(2) and 301.6112-1(b)(2) effective December 4, 2003, the date this notice was released to the public. Variations on these transactions may include positions in other section 1256 and non-section 1256 contracts. Independent of their classification as 8220listed transactions8221 for purposes of 1.6011-4(b)(2), 301.6111-2(b)(2), and 301.6112-1(b)(2), transactions that are the same as, or substantially similar to, the transaction described in this notice may already be subject to the disclosure requirements of section 6011 (1.6011-4), the tax shelter registration requirements of section 6111 (301.6111-1T, 301.6111-2), or the list maintenance requirements of section 6112 ( 301.6112-1). Persons who are required to register these tax shelters under section 6111 but have failed to do so may be subject to the penalty under section 6707(a). Persons who are required to maintain lists of investors under section 6112 but have failed to do so (or who fail to provide those lists when requested by the Service) may be subject to the penalty under section 6708(a). In addition, the Service may impose penalties on parties involved in these transactions or substantially similar transactions, including the accuracy-related penalty under 6662. The Service and the Treasury recognize that some taxpayers may have filed tax returns taking the position that they were entitled to the purported tax benefits of the type of transaction described in this notice. These taxpayers should consult with a tax advisor to ensure that their transactions are disclosed properly and to take appropriate corrective action. The principal author of this notice is Clay Littlefield of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Financial Institutions and Products). For further information regarding this notice, contact Mr. Littlefield at (202) 622-3920 (not a toll-free call). Part III Administrative, Procedural, and Miscellaneous Modification of Notice 2003-81 Notice 2007-71 This Notice modifies and supplements Notice 2003-81, 2003-2 C. B. 1223, by correcting a statement in the 8220Facts8221 portion of Notice 2003-81. BACKGROUND On December 4, 2003, the Internal Revenue Service (8220Service8221) and the Treasury Department (8220Treasury8221) published Notice 2003-81, which described a tax avoidance transaction involving offsetting foreign currency options and identified such transaction and those substantially similar to it as listed transactions for purposes of 1.6011-4(b)(2) of the Income Tax Regulations and 301.6111-2(b)(2) and 301.6112-1(b)(2) of the Procedure and Administration Regulations. In the transaction described in Notice 2003-81, a taxpayer pays premiums to purchase a call option and a put option (the purchased options) on a foreign currency in which positions are traded through regulated futures contracts. The purchased options are reasonably expected to move inversely in value to one another over a relevant range, thus ensuring that, as the value of the underlying foreign currency changes, the taxpayer will hold a loss position in one of the two purchased options. The taxpayer also receives premiums for writing a call option and a put option (the written options) on a different foreign currency in which positions are not traded through regulated futures contracts. The taxpayer takes the position that the written options are neither foreign currency contracts within the meaning of 1256(g)(2)(A) nor 1256 contracts within the meaning of 1256(b). The written options are reasonably expected to move inversely in value to one another over a relevant range, thus ensuring that, as the value of the underlying foreign currency changes, the taxpayer will hold a gain position in one of the two written options. The values of the two currencies underlying the purchased and written options (i) historically have demonstrated a very high positive correlation with one another, or (ii) officially have been linked to one another, such as through the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM II). Thus, as the currencies change in value, the taxpayer reasonably expects to have the following potential gains and losses in substantially offsetting positions: (1) a loss in a purchased option and a gain in a written option and (2) a gain in a purchased option and a loss in a written option. At any time, the taxpayer8217s loss in the purchased option position that has declined in value may be more or less than the taxpayer8217s gain in the offsetting written option position that has appreciated in value. Similarly, the taxpayer8217s gain in the remaining purchased option position may be more or less than the taxpayer8217s loss in the remaining written option position. A material pre-tax profit or rate of return, or both, on the transaction is possible but unlikely. The taxpayer assigns to a charity the purchased option that has a loss. The charity also assumes the taxpayer8217s obligation under the offsetting written option that has a gain. The premium received on that written option is not assigned but is retained by the taxpayer. As with all written options, the amount of gain on the option is limited to the premium received for the option. In the same tax year, the taxpayer may dispose of the remaining purchased option and offsetting written option. Because the taxpayer takes the position that the purchased option assigned to the charity is a 1256 contract, the taxpayer relies on 1256(c) and Greene v. United States, 79 F.3d 1348 (2d Cir. 1996) to mark to market the purchased option when the option is assigned to the charity and to recognize a loss at that time. In contrast, because the taxpayer takes the position that the assumed written option is not a 1256 contract, the taxpayer claims not to recognize gain attributable to the option premium. Specifically, the taxpayer claims that the charity8217s assumption of the option obligation does not cause the taxpayer to recognize gain and that the taxpayer also does not recognize gain either at the time the option expires or terminates or at any other time. ANALYSIS Although as a general matter the 8220Facts8221 portion of Notice 2003-81 correctly describes the transaction at issue, it includes an erroneous conclusion of law. The second sentence in the 8220Facts8221 portion of Notice 2003-81 states: 8220The currency is one in which positions are traded through regulated futures contracts, and the purchased options, therefore, are foreign currency contracts within the meaning of 1256(g)(2)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code and 1256 contracts within the meaning of 1256(b).8221 This sentence should have stated 8220The taxpayer takes the position that the purchased options are foreign currency contracts within the meaning of 1256(g)(2)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code and 1256 contracts within the meaning of 1256(b).8221 The Service and Treasury do not believe that foreign currency options, whether or not the underlying currency is one in which positions are traded through regulated futures contracts, are foreign currency contracts as defined in 1256(g)(2), and intend to challenge any such characterization by taxpayers. Section 1256(g)(2)(A) defines a foreign currency contract, in part, as a contract that requires delivery of, or the settlement of which depends on the value of, certain foreign currencies. The original statutory definition, however, did not allow for cash settlement and required actual delivery of the underlying foreign currency in all circumstances. Options, by their nature, only require delivery if the option is exercised. Section 102 of the Tax Reform Act of 1984, P. L. 98-369, 1984-3 (Vol. 1) C. B. 128, added the clause 8220or the settlement of which depends on the value of.8221 There is no indication, however, that Congress intended by this addition to extend the definition of 8220foreign currency contract8221 to foreign currency options. That conclusion is confirmed by the legislative history to 988(c)(1)(E), enacted by the Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988, P. L. 100-647, 1988-3 C. B. 377-380, which indicates that a foreign currency option is not a foreign currency contract as defined in 1256(g)(2). Subject to the following, 7805(b) relief is granted to taxpayers that adopted an accounting method in reasonable reliance on Notice 2003-81 to treat over-the-counter foreign currency options as foreign currency contracts as defined in 1256(g)(2). Section 7805(b) relief is not granted with respect to options entered into in transactions that are the same or substantially the same as those described in Notice 2003-81. Further, 7805(b) relief is not granted with respect to options entered into in any transaction identified as a listed transaction for purposes of 1.6011-4(b)(2), 301.6111-2(b)(2) and 301.6112-1(b)(2). The principal authors of this notice are Mark E. Erwin of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (International) and Patrick E. White of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Financial Institutions and Products). For further information regarding this notice contact Mark E. Erwin at (202) 622-3870 or Patrick E. White at (202) 622-3920 (not a toll free call Chief Counsel Advice 201045022 LAW Section 1.6011-4(a)1 provides that every taxpayer that has participated, as described in 1.6011-4(c)(3), in a reportable transaction within the meaning of 1.6011-4(b) and who is required to file a tax return must file within the time prescribed in 1.6011-4(e) a disclosure statement in the form prescribed by 1.6011-4(d). 1. Whether the taxpayers in Situation 1 and Situation 2 have disclosure obligations under 1.6011-4 as a result of claiming losses under 165. 2. Whether the disclosure statements provided by the taxpayers in Situation 3 and Situation 4, described below, are complete under 1.6011-4(d). Share on Facebook Share

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